Set Up of Documents Pg. 1: Topic Questions Pg. 2: Source 1 Notes Pg. 3: Source 2 Notes Pg. 4: Source 3 Notes Pg. 5 : Source 4 Notes Pg. 6 : Source 5 Notes Pg. 7 : Background Research Essay / Put it All Together
Note Taking Source 1 Notes page is for you to record what you learned from your first source. Source 2 Notes page is for you to record what you learned from your second source. Source 3 Notes page is for you to record what you learned from your third source. Source 4 Notes page is for you to record what you learned from your fourth source. Source 5 Notes page is for you to record what you learned from your fifth source.
BACKGROUND RESEARCH Based on your research plan – What is your topic? Write a list of questions to help you understand your topic, your experiment on the page – Topic Questions Ex: If your experimental questions is – How does the type of fertilizer affect plant growth? Sample Topic Questions are: What are fertilizers? How do they work? When were they developed? What are the different types?
BACKGROUND RESEARCH Next, Search for your answers in magazines, newspapers, articles, books, internet sites… Interview an expert. Remember to record your answers / information from each source in your own words. For each resource you must collect specific information (next slide )
Collect this information author name title of the publication (and the title of the article if it's a magazine or encyclopedia) date of publication the place of publication of a book the publishing company of a book the volume number of a magazine or printed encyclopedia the page number(s) author and editor names (if available) title of the page (if available) the company or organization who posted the webpage the Web address for the page (called a URL) the last date you looked at the page Printed Source Website Source
date of publication the publishing company of a book
the place of publication of a book
Website Source Funk & Wagnalls. Parachute From Discovery Education. Encyclopedia Article / (accessed 1 October 2012). citation * Google is a search engine not a source to cite.
INPUT Information for each source FILL OUT BOX 1 FOR SOURCE 1 (not all boxes will be filled)
INPUT Information for each source FILL OUT BOX 2 FOR SOURCE 2
INPUT Information for each source FILL OUT BOX 3 FOR SOURCE 3
INPUT Information for each source FILL OUT BOX 4 FOR SOURCE 4
INPUT Information for each source FILL OUT BOX 5 FOR SOURCE 5
Last Step! Write your report. It can be handwritten on the last page of your background research packet or you may type it. From your notes / what you learned from your research you need to write at least 3 complete paragraphs for your report. All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. Details and more details, extended sentences, neat, proper grammar, no spelling mistakes… Information clearly relates to the main topic.
Important: You need 5 sources. They can not be all internet sources. All sources (information and graphics) must be accurately documented. From your notes you need to write at least 3 complete paragraphs for your report. Background Research and Bibliography worksheet– due October 14 th