UW Board of Governors Environmental Scan February 1, 2011
International Overview Australia’s International Education Collapse After years of double-digit growth, a downturn in enrolments, particularly from Indian students Some institutions have suffered a 25 per cent drop Total international enrolment down by 1.4 per cent in October 2010, the 3 rd consecutive month. Tighter skilled migration, slow visa processing, high AUS dollar, and reputational damage after a number of attacks on Indian students in recent years Other English-speaking countries stand to benefit Canada will issue 20,000 student visas for Indian students, up from 14,000 in 2010 Source: The Toronto Star, December 12, 2010, The Australian, December 15, 2010
National Overview Spending on Research and Development 2010 Funding Total R&D funding for 2010 amounted to $29.2 billion, down 0.6 per cent from $29.4 billion in 2009 Business enterprise sector funding for 2010, at $13.7 billion, was down 2.3 per cent from last year Higher education sector funding for 2010, at $5.2 billion, increased 1 per cent over 2009 Federal government funding for 2010, at $5.8 billion, increased by 2.5 per cent Provincial government and provincial research organization funding for 2010, at $1.5 billion, decreased by 2.4 per cent over 2009 Source: Statistics Canada, December 24, 2010
National Overview Labour Force Survey - Statistics Canada In December 2010, Canada’s unemployment rate decreased for the second consecutive month, at 7.6 per cent from 7.9 per cent in October Canada’s pre-recession unemployment rate was 6.2 per cent Youths aged faced a steep drop in employment rates, but unemployment rates are down from their peak of 20.9 per cent in July 2009 In November 2010, there was a large decline of youths seeking work, and their unemployment rate fell 1.4 percentage points to 13.6 per cent. The youth participation rate, at 63.2 per cent, is the lowest since August In December 2010, youth employment increased by 26,000, up 1.8 per cent over December 2009 Source: Statistics Canada, January 7, 2011
National Overview Canada Research Chairs 10 th Anniversary of the program $275.6 million to fund 310 new or renewed chairs at 53 universities $13.4 million from Canada Foundation for Innovation 4 new CRCs from Waterloo announced Youth STEM Initiative An initiative of FedDev Ontario Provides $20 million for not-for-profit organizations to enhance or expand educational outreach programs in the STEM disciplines Source: Canada Research Chairs, November 24, 2010 and FedDev Ontario, November 29, 2010
National Overview Statistics Canada – Education and Earnings of Childhood Immigrants Immigrants who arrived in Canada at age 12 or younger are more likely than their Canadian-born counterparts to obtain a university education by age Among male childhood immigrants who came to Canada in the 1980s, 32 per cent held a university degree by age 25-34, compared to 20 per cent of their Canadian-born peers. Among female childhood immigrants who came to Canada in the 1980s, 40 per cent held a university degree by age 25-34,compared to 30 per cent of their Canadian-born peers. Source: Statistics Canada, January 25, 2011
Provincial Overview Austerity Measures Cancellation of Discovery and Catalyst Awards Established in 2006 Cost savings of $2.5 million a year Waterloo Region well represented, with 11 researchers, spinoffs, and companies receiving these awards from Ban on “perks” Source: The Globe and Mail, December 14, 2010
Provincial Overview Post-Secondary Credit Transfer $73.7 million dollars in project funding over 5 years Credit Transfer Innovation Fund created Supports transfers between colleges and universities 500 agreements between colleges and universities currently exist Multilateral pacts with Ministry consultation likely Source: The Globe and Mail, January 16, 2011
Local Overview Stratford Campus and Chiba University sign agreement New Faculty of Environment Dean Waterloo Summit Centre for the Environment Opening