KEYS Implementation: Facilitator Roles & Responsibilities
Sequence of Events: KEYS Implementation KEYS orientation – KEYS District Steering Committee Memo of Understanding/Partnership Agreement Selection: KEYS School Administrators Registration of Participating Schools Readiness Training from NEA *** Administration of the Survey KEYS Data Analysis Training from NEA School Improvement Plan
Processes and Protocols: Before Survey Administration KEYS Orientation: District KEYS Steering Committee Association-District MOU/Partnership Agreement Selection of KEYS School Facilitators Registration of Participating Schools
Processes and Protocols: Before Survey Administration KEYS Orientation: District KEYS Steering Committee
Processes and Protocols: Before Survey Administration Association-District MOU and/or Partnership Agreement
Processes and Protocols: Before Survey Administration - Continued
Processes and Protocols: Before Survey Administration Selection of the School KEYS Facilitators Registration of Participating Schools
KEYS District and School Facilitators: Who are they? How are they Selected? What are their Roles and Responsibilities
District and School Facilitators Facilitator selection is a partnership between the district or the school and the local association. District Level: Facilitators are the Superintendent (or designee) and the local association President (or designee). School Level: Facilitators are the Principal (or Vice Principal or designee) and the Association Representative (e.g. member of School Improvement Team)
District/School Facilitators: Roles and Responsibilities School Facilitators: Explain/Promote KEYS to Staff/Community Secure Commitments (to assure 80% response) Complete the Demographics Form Provide On-site Support Monitor Survey Progress Communicate Needs to District Facilitate Analysis and Use of KEYS Results
District/School Facilitators: Roles and Responsibilities District Facilitators: Register schools and assign school facilitators Provide support to school facilitators Monitor survey progress Communicate needs to NEA Configure/generate District reports Provide logistics for KEYS training
KEYS Registration of Participating Schools/Districts School Registration is performed online by the KEYS State Administrator/Coordinator (or NEA if none) KEYS Facilitators receive an “invitation” that is automatically generated by the KEYS system. A system-generated Password (which can be changed/personalized by the Facilitator) is contained with the .
Processes and Protocols: During Survey Administration
Access to KEYS website School demographics form Introduction of KEYS to school community KEYS survey window Supplementary surveys Mechanics of survey-taking Completion threshold Monitoring of survey completion Closing the survey Generation of KEYS data report Sharing of the report
Processes and Protocols: During Survey Administration Access to KEYS Website by Facilitators:
Processes and Protocols: During Survey Administration Introduction of KEYS to the School Community
Processes and Protocols: During Survey Administration Completion of the school’s demographics form
Processes and Protocols: During Survey Administration KEYS Survey Window (21 days + 10 days)
Processes and Protocols: During Survey Administration Use of KEYS Supplementary Surveys: Family, Community, Student English & Spanish
Processes and Protocols: During Survey Administration: Continued
OVERVIEW MECHANICS OF SURVEY TAKING & INFORMATION * Time * Logistics Anonymity and Date Security * Completion threshold * Website Monitoring Survey Completion * Closing the survey—extension, etc. * Generation of KEYS reports: School and District * Sharing the KEYS reports
MECHANICS OF SURVEY TAKING & INFORMATION Time: minutes on average to complete in entirety. May be completed in sections/more than one session. If so, survey participant must “save” the data as it is being completed. The system generates a totally random password. Password is NOT recorded anywhere. Survey participant must keep password in a safe place! Otherwise, must re-take survey.
MECHANICS OF SURVEY TAKING & INFORMATION Time Logistics Anonymity and Data Security: --Survey is totally anonymous; No one (neither NEA or NEA webmaster, School/District administration) maintains any password or I.D. number related to any of the surveys. --School and District Facilitators only have access to how many/percentage of surveys are completed.
Survey Administration s Twenty one day window plus 10 days grace period, although this time frame can be flexible. The 80% survey completion rate (strongly recommended) is based on number of staff (instructional—teachers and paraprofessionals) that are entered by the School Facilitator in the KEYS Demographic form. Approximately 15 surveys completed are needed for Parent/Family survey and; Approximately 15 surveys completed are needed for Community
Access the KEYS Survey ( Access the KEYS Survey (
Locate this KEYS Demo view also by clicking on the first (blue) tab “About KEYS & School Improvement” on the KEYS face page
School Facilitators click “Facilitator Login” (red) tab to check on “Survey Progress” in the tab’s drop down option
District/School Facilitators: Roles and Responsibilities
Survey Administration: Getting Started KEYS Reports— s Generated immediately upon closing the survey. School Facilitators have access to their own school’s reports District Facilitators have access to the District Reports. The reporting default is that schools names ARE NOT provided-- A KEYS Memorandum Understanding (MOU) is available to as a guide. Sharing the Reports— Each School’s Facilitators can make the school’s report (printout or.pdf) available to all school staff or not. Other possible options: the School Improvement Team can analyze their school’s reports and (or along with the School Facilitators) can share a summary of the results with school staff.
Learning Outcomes In your own words… 1.Understanding the mechanics of KEYS survey taking and the flexibility and options involved. 2.Clarifying and addressing possible issues of concern such as anonimity of the survey and data- security. 3.Understanding and explaining access to KEYS reports and results
Mechanics of Survey Taking & Information Questions?