Designing CALL Program Presented By: Nurmawati Abdul Rosyid Sukma
What is CALL??? CALL is Computer Assisted Learning(CAL) which is implemented to language.
How do we design CALL? Initial Planning Determining Objectives Choosing Types of the Program Selecting Materials Choosing Software Determining Task Designing Structure of the Program
The Principles in Designing CALL Program 1. Interactivity 2. Usability 3. Content Appropriateness 4. Effectiveness 5. Performance
1. INITIAL PLANNING Plan the steps 2 – 7 in developing Call Program
The Objective will normally function as a guide to the nature of the structure of the program and is thus crucial to the design of the whole project DETERMINING OBJECTIVES
Example: -Designing CALL program with the objective to improve students’ proficiency in English Grammar - Too-too-moo and the Giant developed by Basuki and Hartoyo that focuses on reading narrative which aims to improve students’ understanding about narrative text.
One of the types that has been more selected and preferred is TUTORIAL. According to Criswell (1989), there are two types of tutorials: 1. Linear Program 2. Branching Program 4 3. CHOOSING TYPES OF THE PROGRAM
1. Linear Program 1. Present every frame to every students. 2. The presentation is much like a textbook, often heavily word oriented. 3. The student can not alter the forward progression of the program, except to pace it.
2. Branching Program 1. Include pre-tests of major sections in the program. 2. The program computes the student score and advises the student to either skip over or to complete the section.
3. Often include review sequences that the student can select as needed. 4. The type of feedback given to students in brancing programs ranges from simple: (such as “correct”) to more elaborate (such as “you forget to carry the 1. Please try again”).
It is important that multimedia authors and teachers do not fall back into the trap of setting the same dull of tasks. We need, when designing learning tools, to recognize that language is not just vocabulary and structure, language is a tool of communication SELECTING MATERIALS
Example The material covered in the program developed by Hartoyo focuses on grammatical structure.
A software used in a program of Mr. Hartoyo’s,Too Too Moo, is ASYMETRIX MULTIMEDIA TOOLBOOK 3.O, an authoring system running under Windows CHOOSING SOFTWARE
The Strength of ToolBook ToolBook 3.0 is a hypermedia system. It is expansive and flexible in its ability to provide acess to text, pictures and other media. 2. As hypermedia software, ToolBook is supported by text, graphics and visual illustration, and can be combined with audio and video.
3. It is mainly run on PCs (IBM) which are widely used and intended to be developed in Indonesia
6. DETERMINING TASKS Wilson (1994) suggested that before designer can build CALL system that ‘understand’ their users, they must be able to analyze what learning tasks should be provided to stimulate interaction between the user and the computer.
7. DESIGNING STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAM The Content of the Program: 1. Information / Explanation 2. Material Highlighted in the Program / POP-UP 3. A set of Exercises