Navy Energy Usage Reporting System NEURS 101 30 May 2012
Outline What is NEURS? NEURS Objectives When NEURS reports are submitted NEURS useful definitions Example NEURS report How iENCON uses NEURS data
What is NEURS? Navy Energy Usage Reporting System (NEURS) Provides information on the inventory, re-supply, sale, and consumption of F76 and JP5 aboard ships. OPNAVINST 4100.11C Describes policy and reporting requirements supporting NEURS. All commissioned Navy ships (except nuclear submarines) must submit NEURS reports monthly to document fuel consumption. NEURS reports are prepared in accordance with applicable Fleet instructions: COMLANTFLTINST 4100.3, COMPACFLTINST 9261.1A
NEURS Objectives Automate and consolidate asset employment scheduling and fuel consumption monitoring Enhance fuel conservation awareness Identify potential fuel surplus or deficits Efficiently manage fuel allocations and monitor consumption at all levels of command Support operational scheduling
When are NEURS reports submitted? NLT the 3rd of every month. 16th of the last month of a quarter (Dec, Mar, June, Sept). Within 3 days after CHOP date when changing Operational Command (OPCON). NEURS reports are submitted using the Innovative Readiness Reporting Initiative (IRRI) NEURS program if available. Consolidated on the TYCOM Readiness Management System (TRMS) / NEURS web-based database. NEURS reports are not submitted when operating under Emissions Control (EMCON) conditions. Sent as soon as EMCON restrictions are lifted. EMCON is a condition in which electromagnetic emissions do not exceed a set limit to help avoid electronic detection.
NEURS Useful Definitions Fuel Consumed Underway: Total amount of fuel consumed for propulsion and normal ship services while underway. Fuel Consumed Not Underway: Total amount of fuel consumed when not underway for all ships’ services. It includes fuel consumed when lighting off and warming up the main propulsion plant preparatory to getting underway, or in testing machinery components or making dock trials during tender or shipyard availabilities. Loss by Inventory: Any fuel lost overboard or off-loaded to a barge or shore establishment for which the CMOB will receive no credit. A loss can also result from ships’ sounding differing from the delivery ship/activity, spills, surveys, stripping, contamination, or temperature variations.
NEURS Useful Definitions Cont. Hours Underway: Period commencing with the time the Eng. Dep. reports “ready to answer all bells” until the order to “secure main engine” is received from the bridge. Hours Not Underway: Period during which a ship is moored or anchored, commencing when the order is received to “secure main engines,” and ending when the Eng. Dep. reports “ready to answer all bells.” Hours Cold Iron: Period during which the ship does not consume any fuel to provide propulsion or ship service requirements OPTEMPO
Example NEURS Report The following slides show a Sample NEURS Report developed in accordance with COMPACINST 9261.1A. Any differences with LANTFLT NEURS instructions is assumed to be minor. Each NEURS report contains 6 paragraphs which document a ships fuel usage each month.
Example NEURS Report – Paragraph 1 1. V21449 (UIC) A. 033110 (Last day of reporting period) B. 0 (Report #, 0=original) C. 9 (Days Underway) D. 198 (Hours Underway) E. 9 (Hours Not-Underway) F. 537 (Hours Cold Iron) G. 08 (Operational Commander Code) Values used in iENCON Fuel Reports
Example NEURS Report – Paragraph 2 2. F76 A. 554542 (Beginning inventory in Gallons = Last period ending) B. 296380 (received from all DoD sources) C. 0 (received form all commercial sources) D. 0 (received form foreign military and misc. sources) E. 249047 (consumed Underway) F. 5930 (consumed Not-Underway) G. 0 (consumed Other) H. 0 (issued to US Navy ships (other than oilers), includes LCACs) I. 0 (transferred to DoD fuel support points, shore, fleet oilers) J. 0 (issued to Army, USAF, Marine, USCG, other DoD activities) K. 0 (issued to foreign military, foreign/domestic commercial activities, non-DOD activities) L. (1000) (Gains or losses by inventory. () means loss) M. 594945 (Ending Inventory)
Example NEURS Report – Paragraph 3 3. JP5 A. 15724 (Beginning inventory in Gallons = Last period ending) B. 10187 (received from all DoD sources) C. 0 (received from all commercial sources) D. 0 (received from foreign military and misc. sources) E. 0 (Consumed Underway for ship propulsion) F. 0 (consumed Not-Underway for ship propulsion) G. 0 (consumed Other) H. 10400 (issued to Navy aircraft) I. 10400 (issued to Marine Corps aircraft) J. 0 (issued to US Navy ships including LCACs, but not oilers) K. 0 (transferred to fuel support points, Navy shore activities, oilers) L. 0 (issued to Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, USCG, (not aviation)) M. 0 (issued to foreign military, foreign and commercial activities, and other non-DoD activities) N. 15317 (Gains or losses by inventory. () means loss) O. 20428 (ending inventory)
Example NEURS Report – Paragraph 4 4. FLEET REQUIRED INFORMATION: A. PERIOD ASSIGNED (01 MAR 10 - 31 MAR 10) U/W DAYS 09 IPT STM DAYS 09 COLD IRON DAYS 13 DAYS AVAILABLE 31 MAINT DAYS 0 DAYS ASSIGNED 31 FLT ASSIGNED 08 (Operational Commander Code) Note: Add subsection “B” if a change of OPCON occurred during the month
Example NEURS Report – Paragraph 5 Paragraph 5: Daily Fuel Burn Data FUEL BURN data is entered for each day for each fuel (F76 and JP5) 5. IAW REF A FORMAT, FOL DAILY FUEL BURN DATA PROVIDED: NEURS/R21111/F76/GAL/2011/APR BURN/1/31080/2/31080/3/31080/4/31080 …
Example NEURS Report – Paragraph 6 Paragraph 6: Remarks Section Record all receipts, transfers, off-loads, fuel issues, and losses/gains data. 6. REMARKS a. Receipts: TYPE REQ. NUM QTY FUEL UIC RCVD FROM COMMAND F76 R2111131056500 664590 R21579 USNS WALTER S DIEHL b. Issues: TYPE REQ. NUM QTY FUEL RECIPIENT UIC COMMAND JP5 R0912631350001 4,000 R09126 HSL-31
How iENCON uses NEURS Data iENCON uses NEURS Data to develop quarterly Fuel Reports and class baselines. Hours Underway and Fuel Consumed Underway are used in Encl. 1 to evaluate a ships fuel consumption while Underway. Hours Not Underway and Fuel Consumed Not Underway are used in Encl. 2 to evaluate a ships fuel consumption while Not Underway. Gains/Losses by Inventory are used in Encl. 3 to evaluate a ships overall fuel consumption for the quarter.
Enclosure 1: UW Enclosure 2: NUW Enclosure 3: Overall Original NEURS Data
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