Capital Punishment Andy Park
Real Life Situation Oh Won Chun (Wu Yuan Chun in Chinese)
Real Life Situation Capital Punishment in Korea - Last Death Sentence: December 30, 1997, right before President Kim Dae Joong came to power. - Despite 58 criminals sentenced to death, 0 execution conducted. - An abolitionist country in practice.
RLS - Global Death Sentence
Despite the same legislation, Over 4,000 executions vs None RLS - China and South Korea
What is it that made this contradiction although the two countries have the same legislation?
Knowledge Issue To what extent can capital punishment be justified?
Capital Punishment is the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime. Definition of Capital Punishment WOK-Language
Punishment: The infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense. Retribution: Punishment that is considered to be morally right and fully deserved. WOK-Language
The legally authorized, morally right and fully deserved killing of a condemned criminal. WOK-Language My definition of Capital Punishment
According to the definition, capital punishment is justified when it is: Legally Authorized Morally Right Fully Deserved WOK-Language
Legally Authorized Morally Right Fully Deserved
WOK-Language&Reason According to the definition of capital punishment, a condemned criminal should be executed.
WOK-Language&Reason Capital punishment is justified for the 57 criminals and Oh Won Choon.
Then why hasn’t South Korea executed the 58 criminals?
AOK-History President during , Kim Dae Jung
AOK-History President Chun Doo Hwan
WOK-Emotion President Kim Dae Jung’s Perspective
“Please make him suffer as much as possible, or kill him.” WOK-Emotion Victim’s Relative’s Perspective
Oh Won Choon Perspective Toward Him Hostility Despair Sadness Hatred Victim’s Relative
Psychopath: Won Choon saw the woman no more than an animal. Still does not realize why he is in the prison. WOK-Emotion Criminal’s Perspective
WOK-Emotion&Reasoning Concerned about security of some of my family because of: 20 of the 58 criminals now out in the society. Possibility of releasing more murderers including Oh Won Choon. My Perspective As A South Korean
AOK-Ethics Capital punishment is ethical, and therefore, justified because: A sacrifice of criminals will bring a greater happiness. Potential crimes that death sentenced criminals might produce will also be prevented. Utilitarianism
However, life of a criminal is as valuable as others’ lives. Making the most people happy is not always ethical.
Knowledge Issue To what extent can capital punishment be justified?
Answer to the Knowledge Issue will depend on which perspective people take.
Conclusion Capital Punishment is justified when: -The sentence is considered morally right and fully deserved by the court in the country. -The country must legally authorize capital punishment. -The condemned criminal is not a psychopath.
Limitation No experience of neither loss of a family member by a murderer nor the feeling of being a murderer. Solely relies on secondary information. A South Korean citizen
The End