20 November 2013 Job Descriptions & Analysis Jane Aubin Aubin Consulting Job Description & Organisation Specialist Job Descriptions & Analysis
Session Outline AUBIN CONSULTING 2 1. The nature and uses of Job Descriptions 2. Job Descriptions & The Law 3. Job Analysis and writing Job Descriptions
What is a Job Description? A systematic, clear account of a job. Objective and unbiased. Up to date Shows why a job exists and how it helps an organisation achieve its objectives Job = link between individual and the organisation Organisation Purpose/Strategy Organisation Structure Jobs AUBIN CONSULTING
Employers? Employees? (Work in pairs) Q: Why do you need Job Descriptions? AUBIN CONSULTING
Why Do you Need Job Descriptions? AUBIN CONSULTING 5 Employer Setting recruitment criteria Performance Review & setting objectives People development & training Organisational review – planning change Benchmarking, ranking Employee Recruitment job description - clarity Performance Review - preparation & reference point Research – employees like to know what’s expected of them e.g. Shop manager salary
Q: In what circumstances would you update or write a new job description in your organisation?
In what circumstances would you write a new job description? AUBIN CONSULTING 7 1. Existing job has changed significantly 2. Existing job not meeting organisational needs 3. New role(s) in the organisation 4. Reorganisation of section 5. Recruitment – reviewing role(s)
Types of Job Descriptions Structured Questionnaire Narrative Generic Need to consider: numbers needed, intended use (recruitment, evaluation), time, organisational culture, job analysis skills available.
Structured AUBIN CONSULTING 9 Clearly defined headings Core e.g. Job Details Job Purpose Statistics/Dimensions Main Responsibilities Organisation Chart Knowledge & Experience Context e.g. Working Contacts Level of Authority Impact of the Job Physical Working Conditions Roles of subordinates Job Context
Questionnaire AUBIN CONSULTING 10 Similar to Structured job description Prepared by job holder and/or line manager Series of standard questions to help completion Guidance Notes Advantages?
Generic AUBIN CONSULTING 11 Information for a number of roles that do similar work Associated with structured career path and job families E.g. secretarial, accounting, engineering, HR How many different levels can be identified? Key factors – Job details, Job Purpose, Main Responsibilities, Knowledge & Skills.
Narrative AUBIN CONSULTING 12 Less commonly used Can cover a wide range of jobs Best for giving a real ‘essence’ of a job Typical headings : Job Details, Job Purpose, Dimensions, Main Responsibilities, Organisation Chart plus: Scope and Nature of Job Free flowing narrative - no lists or headings. Providing background information, setting the scene; helps elucidate the true nature of the role.
Important to remember AUBIN CONSULTING 13 As it is now To the point and concise Free from jargon and abbreviations Accurate/without embellishments – signed by line manager Fully completed Post not the postholder Kept up to date/regularly reviewed
A job description is not required under The Employment (Jersey) Law Employees must have a Written Statement of Employment (8+ hours per week) e.g. Start date, rate of pay, holiday/sickness T & C, job title. Brief job description optional. Job Descriptions & The Law
AUBIN CONSULTING 15 Jersey Employment Tribunal Cases Heatherington Vs Les Ormes Golf & Leisure Club 2012 Robinson Vs Department of Education, Sport & Culture “unable to fulfil her job description” Discrimination (Jersey) Law 201- Recruitment & Selection procedures: Qualifications Attributes
AUBIN CONSULTING 16 Job Analysis What you need: 1. Latest job description (if any) 2. Other relevant jds – internal/other sections 3. Organisation chart 4. Accurate statistical or financial data 5. Useful reports/papers Discuss with manager/job holder
Job Analysis Process AUBIN CONSULTING 17 The process of : i) understanding a job ii) breaking down into key components iii) presenting it in a clear format.
Job Details AUBIN CONSULTING 18 Company/Section Job Title Reports to Job Number Name of Job Holder
Job Purpose AUBIN CONSULTING 19 Clear, brief statement of why job exists Contribution to organisation 1 or 2 sentences Unique to the job Focus on the achievement of an END RESULT ACTION VERB…………..OBJECT OF ACTION…………..RESULT
Write a job purpose for a departmental receptionist (Work in pairs) Job Purpose
Main Responsibilities AUBIN CONSULTING 21 This is the most important section Spend the most time and energy on it Normally 8 – 10 major responsibilities Unique to post Proper Analysis. Don’t produce a list of tasks Categorise – planning/strategy, finance, staff, key activities/ops, legal, resources, customers, records, projects All jobs can be described in this way
Main Responsibilities – Custody Sergeant ACTION VERB AREA OF IMPACT/ OBJECT END RESULT Receive and booking in prisonersin accordance with Jersey legislation and Force Policy, ensuring they are made fully aware of their rights whilst in custody. Secure, guard and make regular checks of prisoners in the cells as required by Force Policy to prevent escape & ensure their health and welfare needs are being met. AUBIN CONSULTING 22 Technical Procedures Evidence Visitors Release
Knowledge and Skill AUBIN CONSULTING 23 Q: What are the key ingredients of K & S?
Knowledge and Skill 1. Education and training ESSENTIAL to the job i.e. practical, academic, professional or managerial qualifications. 2. Work experience 3. General qualities and attributes AUBIN CONSULTING 24
Key Things to Remember AUBIN CONSULTING 25 1.Job NOT the job holder 2.It requires careful analysis not just a listing of tasks. 3.Be true to the job – don’t over inflate 4.As it is now. 5.Be concise but make sure jd is complete and clear.
Any Questions ?