Pablo Manuel Barreiro Suárez Gustavo Ansedes Neira Alberto Álvarez Traba Marta Casal García 3ºA 2014
A drug is a vegetable, mineral or animal substance that has stimulant, hallucinogenic, narcotic or depressing effect. Overall, known as drug substances, when introduced into the body, may alter or modify their functions. People can take drugs for pleasure that generate them, but stopping the use generates a psychic disturbance. It’s known as drug addiction to drugs need to get pleasurable sensations or eliminate any pain. According to effects on the central nervous system, drugs can be classified in depressant (inhibit operation and generate slow nerve activity, such as alcohol, morphine, methadone and heroin), stimulants (increased body functions and excite the central nervous system such as caffeine, nicotine and amphetamine) or hallucinogenic (disturbed consciousness and distorted perception, as do the LCD and peyote) occurs with cocaine.
Alcohol: It’s a depressant that alters perceptions, emotions and senses. Amphetamines: Are stimulants that accelerate functions in the brain and body. Cocaine and Crack: Elevate the heart rate, increases respiration, blood pressure and body temperature. Ecstasy (MDMA): This drug combines a hallucinogenic with a stimulant effect, making all emotions, both negative and positive, much more intense. Marijuana: Marijuana can affect mood and coordination. Those who consume may experience mood swings that range from being very excited and happy to be sleepy or depressed.
Nicotine: Is a highly addictive stimulant found in cigarettes. Physical effects include rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, shortness of breath and a greater likelihood of colds and flu. Heroin: Gives you an immediate feeling of euphoria, especially if injected. Long-term use, heroin ravages the body. Methamphetamine: Methamphetamine produces euphoria in users, particularly if smoked or injected. But you can develop tolerance quickly - and will have to use more goal during longer periods of time, resulting in sleeplessness, paranoia, and hallucinations. LSD: Hallucinations occur between 30 and 90 minutes of using the acid. Those who claim that they take sharpen and distort the senses-see colors or hear sounds with other delusions combined images as walls falling apart and losing track of time. But the effects are unpredictable, depending on how much LSD is taken and who consumes it. Rohypnol: It can cause blood pressure to drop and may cause memory loss, drowsiness, dizziness and upset stomach.
Physiological and psychological disorders: Between physiological disorders have withdrawal symptoms, seizures, changes in heart rhythm, damage to the central nervous system, etc.. Among the psychological disorders are: hallucinations, paranoid tendencies, depression, neurosis, etc.. Deterioration and weakening of the will: The addict becomes literally a slave to the drug, being able to do anything to get it. Deterioration of personal relationships: The addict is no longer able to maintain stable relationships, whether with family or friends. Often steals or cheats to get drugs, which further deteriorates their relationships. Low performance at work or in the studio: You get to the level of goals and plans to leave, turning to drugs as the only "solution". Economic impact: The use of drugs can be very expensive, leading the addict to devote all its resources to maintain consumption.
The awareness of society should be directed towards a culture of rejection drugs, and especially towards cannabis and cocaine. The collective and especially among younger imaginary, you have to promote the association between drug use and failure in life, contrasting it to the mistaken belief that identifies drug use with social success. Young people should start to realize that consumption of drugs such as cannabis and cocaine, both sporadic as usual, can lead them to failure in all walks of life (emotional failure, labor, intellectual, social, etc... ) There is a false myth spread among the young, which must be broken, that the use of psychoactive drugs for recreational purposes makes consumers more people relationship skills and social esteem.
Alcohol, the oldest and most widely consumed drug in the world, is a depressant that alters perceptions, emotions and senses. The crack, which gets its name from the noise it makes when heated, is made from cocaine. Ecstasy is one of the most recent fashion drugs illegally created by underground chemists. GHB, gamma hydroxybutyrate by the acronym, is often made in home basement labs, usually as a colorless, odorless liquid. Heroin comes from the dried milk of the opium poppy, which is also used to create the class of painkillers called narcotics such as codeine and morphine. The illegal drug of abuse in the United States is marijuana that looks like dried parsley, green, brown or gray with stem or seeds.
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