Advantages of Using Less intrusive than a phone call Cheaper and faster than a letter Less hassle than a FAX Eliminates differences in time zones
Anatomy of an Message An message is very similar to an office memo, sharing the following characteristics: FFairly short SSingle topic WWritten in an informal style
Anatomy of an Message Messages Contain Two Parts: HHeader AAddressing information To From Subject MMessage Body AActual text of the message
Sample message
Anatomy of an Address An address can be broken down into three sections: 1 2 alpinedistrict. 3 org 1 User Id 2 Host Address 3 Domain
Features: Additional Features Address book Spell Check Tag messages for easy identification Mail filter that sorts incoming mail Electronic signature Basic Features Send Reply Forward Delete Attach files Print Store files
Optional Fields: Cc: (carbon copy) If a message is intended primarily for one person but would also be useful to other people, use the cc: field for other addresses Bcc: (blind carbon copy) Message is sent to that recipient without their address being visible in the header received by the other recipients Used to preserve someone’s privacy or not broadcast that person’s address
Mailing List A list of addresses identified by a single name, such as When an message is sent to the mailing list name, it is automatically forwarded to all the addresses in the list
Signatures Identifies the sender in some way Personalizes your Saves you from retyping the same identifying lines for each message Generally, keep your signature to no more than four lines
Netiquette Guidelines: Keep your messages short and to the point Watch your grammar and spelling Be careful with humor, avoid sarcasm Use uppercase words sparingly UPPERCASE TEXT YELLS AT THE RECIPIENT Never leave the Subject: field blank Include your name and contact information in the message body (signature)
Jargon Spam UUnsolicited sent to many people Flame AAn angry message; meant to be hostile Emoticon AAn element that represents a feeling such as a smiley face or (: