The wild world of Timerd Small Multiplayer Online Role Play Game
This is a simple game made with game maker 6. Using advanced objectID and Registry, inventory is achieved. It is small, simple, and most of all, Fun. Introduction
The Statistics Number of skills: 1 Number of Items: 16 Number of Monsters: 4 Number of Weapon Types: 6 Number of Food Items: 5 Types of Trees: 7, more being developed.
Skills: Combat By defeating any monster, you gain exp for this skill. This level can only reach 99.
Items The Items Include: Glass Sword Copper Sword Tin Sword Iron Sword Silver Sword Gold Sword Fishing Rod Flour Water Dough Bread Uncooked Fish Cooked Fish Axe Logs Match
Monsters: Blue Demon Level: 1 Can by killed with: Glass and Above Found in: Snowy Areas
Monsters: Nature Demon Level: 25 Can Be Killed With: Copper And above Found In: Edge of Tundra
Monsters: Demon Level: 50 Can be killed with: Iron and above Found in: Dirt
Monsters: Black Demon Level: 75 Can be killed with: Gold only Found in: The Boils (South)
Weapon Types Glass Copper Tin Iron Silver Gold
Food Items Flour Water Dough Bread Uncooked Fish Fish
Currency The Currency in Timerd is GT (Gold Tokens).
Trees Normal Oak Maple Weeping Willow Yew Teak Nuju
Trees: Normal Can Be found: Anywhere Rarity Level: 1
Trees: Oak Can be Found: Dirt Rarity Level: 3
Trees: Maple Can be found: Tundra and Dirt Rarity Level: 5
Trees: Weeping Willow Can be found: Dirt Rarity Level: 6
Trees: Yew Can be found: Tundra, Dirt Rarity Level: 9
Trees: Teak Can be Found: The Boils Rarity Level: 12
Trees: Nuju Can be Found: The Boils (Deep) Rarity Level: 15 Caution: There are more demons as you go deeper into the Boils, And they are camouflaged.
Stalls: Swords Sword stalls sell every kind of sword. Glass: 5 GT Copper: 15 GT Tin: 15 GT Iron: 50 GT Silver: 100 GT Gold: 500 GT
Stalls: Food The Food Shop sells food. Bread: 5 GT Fish: 25 GT Uncooked Fish: 5 GT Flour: 2 GT Water: 2 GT Dough: 4 GT
Stalls: Survival This shop sells things needed to survive. Fishing Rod: 25 GT Axe: 10 GT Match: 1 GT Each Matchbox: 60 GT (Holds up to 100 Matches; Comes with 15 matches)
Improvements to look out for when Released Every aspect of this game is being expanded, Even as you read. There will be around 100 Items, 25 monsters, 10 stalls, New weapons, Including scimitars and daggers. There will Also be shields, to increase chances of Survival. Then one HUGE Aspect to let Everyone in on the fun: Online. Please check out the Release sometime in 2008 (Hopefully sooner) for Loads of Timerd fun. If You do not have fun, Please sign the Suggestions page at Thanks and happy gaming
Thanks and Happy Gaming Troy and Jimmy