What is in Milk? Fat Protein Lactose Minerals Vitamins, etc. Water.


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Presentation transcript:

What is in Milk? Fat Protein Lactose Minerals Vitamins, etc. Water

Functions of Milk

Functions of Milk Fat

Milk Fat

Composition of Milk Fat

Composition of Milk Fat in Various Species

Functions of Milk Proteins

Milk Proteins

Milk Proteins

Making Cheese

Concentration of Milk Proteins in the Cow (g/L) Other (.1) Albumin (.4) -Lactoglobulin (3.2) -Lactalbumin (1.2) -Casein (2.9) -casein (9.3) S2 -Casen (2.6) S1-Casein (10.0) About 80% of milk proteins are Caseins, 20% Whey proteins.

Properties of Cow Milk Proteins

Bioactive Pieces of Milk Proteins

Hormones and Growth Factors in Milk

Functions of Lactose


Structures of the Sugars Sucrose and Lactose

Concentration of the Major Minerals in Milk

Mineral Content of Bovine and Human Milk

Vitamins in Milk

Trace Elements in Milk

Non-Protein Nitrogen Compounds in Milk

Levels of Milk Components in Blood and Milk

Milk Composition of Various Species

Milk Composition Differences Between Breeds of Dairy Cattle

Variation in Milk Fat Percentage Between Breeds of Dairy Cattle

Initial Milk Composition in Dairy Cattle after Calving

Milk Composition Changes in Early Lactation

Milk Composition Changes Throughout Lactation

Total Yield of Milk Components Throughout Lactation