Rwanda Rwanda is a small land locked country in Africa. A land locked country is one that doesn’t have a coastline and is not near the sea. It is completely surrounded by other countries.
Rwanda shares borders with four other countries… Uganda to the North Democratic Republic of Congo to the West Tanzania to the East Burundi to the South
Rwanda is very beautiful Rwanda is very beautiful. A lot of the country is hilly or mountainous which is why Rwanda is called The Land of a Thousand Hills.
Fast facts: Population: 10.5 million Capital city: Kigali Languages spoken: Kinyarwanda, English and French Local money: Rwandan Franc
This is the flag of Rwanda This is the flag of Rwanda. Can you find out what each part of the Rwandan flag stands for?
When people talk about Rwanda they often think about the terrible fighting in 1994 which lasted 100 days. Many, many people lost their lives. They are remembered in Kigali at ‘The Wall of names’.
Rwanda is now at peace. Since the fighting people have worked very hard to rebuild their lives. But many people still live in poverty. Around 4 in 10 people live on less than $1 a day. That’s about 65p.
More than half of the people living there are under 18 years old. About 10.5 million people live in Rwanda. More than half of the people living there are under 18 years old.
Rwanda has one of the highest numbers of orphans in the world Rwanda has one of the highest numbers of orphans in the world. Lots of children live in child headed households, which means there is no adult living with them. Children live with their brothers and sisters and they all look after each other.
Did you know that Rwanda is the only country in the world that has more women in the government than men?
and plastic shopping bags have been completely banned in Rwanda since 2006!
Even though it is close to the equator Rwanda has a cool temperate climate . The lush green hills make it a really good habitat for lots of different animals, birds and insects.
Rwanda’s Volcano National Park is home to one of the world's most rare and highly endangered species – the mountain gorilla.
You can find out more about Rwanda by looking at our photos >> Photos by Annie Bungeroth