MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies 1 The EPBD in Cyprus Ioannis MICHAELIDES & Polyvios ELEFTHERIOU Department of Mechanical Engineering Cyprus University of Technology MOVIDA Kick of Meeting Bologna, 26 May 2011
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Cyprus Energy Consumption by sector Buildings 29%
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies 3 The Law for the Regulation of the Energy Performance of Buildings 2006, L.142(I)/2006, is the legal document on which the transposition of EPBD in Cyprus is based on. The inspection and maintenance of boilers, central heating systems and air- conditioning systems are included in the above law. The Law that Regulates the Energy Performance of Buildings
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Implementation of the EPBD in Cyprus 4 The implementation of EPBD started in 2007 with setting minimum requirements for the building envelope. It has been fully implemented in 2009 with the launching of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and the Inspection of Boilers and Air Conditioning systems. The implementation of the EPBD in Cyprus is the responsibility of the Energy Service of the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Tourism
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Certification 5 The implementation of the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) took place in two phases: 1 st phase: Certification of all residential buildings, new and existing, which started 1 st October 2009 as optional; it became mandatory by 1 st January 2 nd phase: Certification of new and existing non residential buildings (commercial, education, office, and all other); it became mandatory on 1 st September 2010.
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Guide Books 6
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Main Provisions of Directive 2002/91/EC Minimum energy performance requirements for new buildings and buildings above 1000 m 2 that undergo major renovation Methodology for the calculation of energy performance of buildings Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for new buildings and buildings that are sold or rented Inspection of air-conditioning systems and boilers 7
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Inspections Status of implementation 8 The inspections of air conditioning (AC) systems started on 1 st October The Ministerial order for the inspection of AC systems makes the inspection larger than 12 kW mandatory, and the inspection of air conditioning systems that, adding together their nominal power in the same building, exceed 50 kW.
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Methodology of Inspection of Air Conditioning systems The Guide for the Inspection of Air Conditioning systems 9 The methodology is based on EN 15240:2007 and is described in the “Guide for the Inspection of Air Conditioning systems”
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Frequency of Inspections for A/C systems 10 * The sum of all units is bigger than 50 kW *
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Inspection of Boilers 11 The methodology for the inspection of boilers is described in the “Guide for the Inspection of Central Heating Systems with Boilers”. The inspections aim to reduce energy consumption and limit carbon dioxide emissions
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Sizes of Boilers to be inspected 12 Central Heating systems equipped with Boilers of nominal power greater than 100 kW Central Heating systems equipped with LPG Boilers of nominal power greater than 100 kW Sizes smaller than 100 kW are inspected by the Energy Service, free of charge.
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Inspection Sheets 13 The inspector conducts visual inspection, measurements and calculations including: Combustion efficiency Heat losses through the chimney The inspection results and comments are transferred to the appropriate inspection sheets which are submitted to the owner.
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Who qualify for Inspections? Qualified Mechanical Engineers, registered in the Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus, or other member state, and Holders of Certificate of Competency issued by the responsible authority. Transition period: 2 years after the ministerial decision, up to April Any qualified mechanical engineer is entitled to perform inspections. 14
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Duties and Responsibilities of Inspectors According to the relevant law: Perform inspections of air conditioning systems and boilers. Fill in the relevant forms. Issue a certificate of inspection to the owner. At the beginning of each year, submit a list of all the inspections that he/she has performed the previous year, to the relevant authority (Energy Service) 15
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies In conclusion A lot of work has been done on the inspection of air conditioning systems and boilers, including: Legislation Training and awareness campaign Preparation of relevant documents and Guide booklets There is a lot to be done until the directive is to be fully implemented. 16
MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies MOVIDA – MOVing from Inspection to Domestic Advice by service companies Thank you! 17