Www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/enWorkshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012 NAP Structure - Approach in other.


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Presentation transcript:

on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012 NAP Structure - Approach in other MS: Germany Bernd HOMMEL 1), Bernd FREIER 1), Jörn STRASSEMEYER 1) & Wolfgang ZORNBACH 2) 1) Julius Kühn-Institut, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI), Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment, Germany, Kleinmachnow 2) Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV), Division Plant Protection, Germany, Bonn for contact:

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en “This Directive shall apply without prejudice to any other relevant Community legislation.“ [SUD, Art. 2]

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Intention of Germany’s national action plan Risk with PPP Need for PPP “… Member States shall take account of the health, social, economic and environmental impacts of the measures …” [SUD, Art. 4] “… Member States shall take measures to inform the general public and to promote and facili- tate information and awareness- raising programmes and the availability of accurate and balanced information …” [SUD, Art. 7]

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Agenda  Facts about plant protection in Germany  SUD in the present legal framework in Germany  Outcomes of the present action plan 2008 to 2011  Approach and partnership to implement the SUD  Structure of the new action plan from 2013  Conclusion & outlook

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Agenda  Facts about plant protection in Germany  SUD in the present legal framework in Germany  Outcomes of the present action plan 2008 to 2011  Approach and partnership to implement the SUD  Structure of the new action plan from 2013  Conclusion & outlook

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Present situation in plant protection in Germany: Pesticide sales 1 st NAP2 nd NAP

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Present situation in plant protection in Germany: Treatment indices [Source: Reference Farms Network. Annual Report. Freier et al. 2011] The Treatment index (TI) is used as indicator of the intensity of pesticide uses. It considers dose reduction in proportion to the authorised one and partial field application of each pesticide. For example, authorised dose in entire field means TI = 1.0, half dose in entire field TI = 0.5, and half dose in half field TI = In tank mixtures, pesticides are separately counted.

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Present situation in plant protection in Germany: Use of reduced application rates [Source: Reference Farms Network. Annual Report. Freier et al. 2011]

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Present situation in plant protection in Germany: Inspection of air-assisted sprayers Number of air-assisted sprayers controlled within 2 years Number of air-assisted sprayers controlled annually Number of air-assisted sprayers in Germany (mainly estimated) [Source: JKI-AT]

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Present situation in plant protection in Germany: Risk development insecticides

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Present situation in plant protection in Germany: Risk development fungicides

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Present situation in plant protection in Germany: Risk development herbicides

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Agenda  Facts about plant protection in Germany  SUD in the present legal framework in Germany  Outcomes of the present action plan 2008 to 2011  Approach and partnership to implement the SUD  Structure of the new action plan from 2013  Conclusion & outlook

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The present legal framework in Germany: The new Plant Protection Act [came into force February 2012]  §3 „Good plant protection practice and integrated plant protection“ as mandatory requirement  §4 “National action plan for sustainable use of PPP”  §9 “Personal requirements” to the sale and use of PPP  §16 “Use of sprayers”  §18 “Use of PPP with aircrafts” [restricted on (1) steep-slope viticulture, (2) forests]  §23 “Delivery of PPP”  § 59 „Implementation in the Länder [German federal states]“

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The present legal framework in Germany: Germany‘s 2 nd National Action Plan 2008  Goals & quantitative targets  23 Measures & responsibilities  Risk & performance indicators  German Plant Protection Index (PIX)  Reporting  Stakeholder involvement [The Forum]

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The present legal framework in Germany: Targets of the National Action Plan Risk reduction by the year 2020 by 25 % (basis ) through:  reduction of uses above the “necessary minimum”  substitution of plant protection product use through non-chemical alternatives 2. Reduction of exceeding MRLs in domestic and imported products <1% 3. Avoiding costs for unnecessary use of plant protection products

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Agenda  Facts about plant protection in Germany  SUD in the present legal framework in Germany  Outcomes of the present action plan 2008 to 2011  Approach and partnership to implement the SUD  Structure of the new action plan from 2013  Conclusion & outlook

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Outcomes of the present action plan 2008 to 2011 [cf.  Further development and implementation of DSS [e.g  Net of reference farms since 2007, incl. annual reports  Net of demonstration farms since 2010  Validation of the risk indicator SYNOPS  Validation of hotspot management  Specific research programs  Incentives to support organic farming and IPM  SUD oriented European collaboration [e.g. JKI as partner in ENDURE]  The NAP Annual Report will be published spring 2012 as status report about plant protection in Germany

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Net of reference farms [started in 2007]

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Net of reference farms [started in 2007]

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The “necessary minimum” in pesticide uses in Germany R e s u l t s [Reference Farms Network. Freier et al. 2011] Crop Winter wheat88.7 %85.8 %89.8 %89.2% Winter barley94.8 %84.9 %86.0 %90.6% Winter oilseed rape87.7 %81.8 %87.4 %89.3% Field vegetables83.4 %89.8 %86.7 %87.3% Apples94.5 %94.6 %91.7 %95.3% Grapes99.5 %95.5 %98.3 %97.5% Hops100.0 %96.6 %98.8 %82.5%

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The “necessary minimum” in pesticide uses in Germany R e s u l t s [Reference Farms Network. Freier et al. 2011] Crop Winter wheat88.7 %85.8 %89.8 %89.2% Winter barley94.8 %84.9 %86.0 %90.6% Winter oilseed rape87.7 %81.8 %87.4 %89.3% Field vegetables83.4 %89.8 %86.7 %87.3% Apples94.5 %94.6 %91.7 %95.3% Grapes99.5 %95.5 %98.3 %97.5% Hops100.0 %96.6 %98.8 %82.5% Estimated TI corridor of the “necessary minimum” in fungicide use in winter wheat in the Region WEST 1.0 – – – – 2.2

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Proposal for a quantitative t a r g e t of the „necassary minimum“ in the net of reference farms CropHerbicideFungicideInsecticideGrowth regulators Winter wheat95%90% 95% Winter barley95%90% 95% Winter oilseed rape95%90% Cabbage95%90% -- Carrot95%90% -- Asparagus95%90% -- Onion95%90% -- Apple100%95% -- Grape95%

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Promotion of farms to use IPM tools: e.g. Baden- Württemberg  Promotion of organic farms dominates agri-environmental programs in Germany [2010: ca. 140 Mio € per year for ha (5,9%) or farms (7,3%)]  Promotion of IPM has to be increased!

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Skylark windows  fields for the skylark  Voluntary initiative between farmers, their association and environmental NGO  Per hectare windows á 20m²  Expenses of 2,50 und 5,00€/ha  Population has increased ©en.wikipedia.org/ ©Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Bayern e. V. (LBV)

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Agenda  Facts about plant protection in Germany  SUD in the present legal framework in Germany  Outcomes of the present action plan 2008 to 2011  Approach and partnership to implement the SUD  Structure of the new action plan from 2013  Conclusion & outlook

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The partners to implement the SUD in Germany The Forum WG MRLs WG BioDiv WG Water WG Indicators Key Point Paper’09 BMELV BMU & others Federal States JKI BVLBfRUBA

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Key points document – a guidance document for further development of the NAP-DE more targets like biodiversity and IPM/QM farms CONSENT more research & innovation more collabo- ration IPM guidelines demon- stration farms buffer zones PPP availability DISSENT prevent illegal PPPs new indicators for new goals more non- chemical alternatives targets’ timeframe organic farming as only sustain strategy financing strengthen advisory services

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en National Action Plan’s system  considers experiences, legal framework & compete activities starting position

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Agenda  Facts about plant protection in Germany  SUD in the present legal framework in Germany  Outcomes of the present action plan 2008 to 2011  Approach and partnership to implement the SUD  Structure of the new action plan from 2013  Conclusion & outlook

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The outline of the German NAP: Core areas of Targets Labour ProtectionFood SecurityEnvironment ProtectionAgri- and HorticultureNon-cropping areaAllotment Garden

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en 1. Risk reduction of [not yet decided], but new reference period, different sub-targets and time frames 2. Reduction of exceeding MRLs in domestic and imported products <1% 4. Avoiding costs for unnecessary use of plant protection products 5. More organic farming (at least 20% of the acreage?) 6. Less impacts on biodiversity (e.g. through more ecological infrastructures or ecological focus areas?) 7. Efficient water protection (e.g. fixed buffer zones of 5 or more metres?) The outline of the new NAP: Global goals and sub-goals

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The outline of the German NAP: Main areas of Measures necessary minimum, innovation, availability, invasive species competency, extension, internet platforms controlling, illegal trade, labelling labour protection exceeding of MRLs, transparency, multiple residues hotspot management, water protection, biodiversity IPM guidelines, incentives

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en The outline of the new NAP: Main areas of Indicators Structure  DPSIR model (driving forces- pressures-state-impact-responses) Target related indicators, e.g. SYNOPS, acreage of IPM and organic farming, exceeding MRLs Auxiliary numbers, e.g. infestation, pesticide sale, treatment index (TI), yields German Plant Protection Index PIX

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Agenda  Facts about plant protection in Germany  SUD in the present legal framework in Germany  Outcomes of the present action plan 2008 to 2011  Approach and partnership to implement the SUD  Structure of the new action plan from 2013  Conclusion & outlook

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Conclusion & outlook  The current NAP contains already aspects of the SUD; only a revision is needed.  Broad public debates & stakeholders participation (via conferences, workshops, temporarily installed working groups) have taken place since  There is a need to strengthen advisory services, field experiments and R&D.  Installation of demonstration farms to spread knowledge in IPM started  Focusing of voluntary initiatives instead of regulatory rules.  Data acquisition & indicators as important tools to measure NAP progress.  A network of reference farms support data acquisition and decision making.  Transparency & information will be improved (e.g. Homepage, newsletters)  The permanent Forum of the NAP where all stakeholders are represented is continued.

Workshop on the Directive for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides in Spain. Madrid, 2 July 2012www.nap-pflanzenschutz.de/en Conclusion & outlook: time frame May, 2012:The BMELV* ) with support of the Forum finished the draft. August, 2012: The relevant federal ministries will finish their negotiations. Autumn, 2012: The BMELV will contribute the Länder (federal states) again. Autumn, 2012: The BMELV will start with public participation. End, 2012: The federal government will adopt the action plan. January, 2013: The national action will start. Spring, 2018.First 5-year progress report. * ) BMELV = Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, the responsible ministry

Thank you very much. JKI‘s field experimental station in Dahnsdorf, Brandenburg