" We have met the enemy and they are ours.” Commodore Perry
The battle begins!
The lake is 9,940 square miles with a length of 241 miles. It has an average depth of 62 feet. Lake Erie also has a shoreline of 2,726 miles.
The battle took place on September 10, It was fought during the war of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry was the American’s leader in the battle.
His mission was to gain navel superiority on the lake. This would allow the Americans to control the British weapon supply. The Americans had nine small ships. The two main ships were the Niagara and the Lawrence. The British only had six vessels but they were from the prestigious royal navy.
The crew on the Lawrence led the fight until the ship was disabled and most of them were killed or wounded. The ship was carrying Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry who was transferred by boat to the unharmed Niagara when the Lawrence was disabled. He then broke the British battle lines. In the end, the Americans defeated the British, captured their ships and regained control of Lake Erie
This is a famous painting of Perry being taken to the Niagara by William H. Powell in 1865.
Perry was the hero and general for the American force. He was born on August 23, 1785 and died on August 23, 1819.
1785 Joined navy 1799 Midshipman aboard his father's frigate, U.S.S. General Greene Served in Tripolitan War (vs the Barbary States) 1802 promoted to lieutenant Engaged in building gunboats for President Jefferson's naval program
War of Battle of Lake Erie (War of 1812) 1813/09/10 First capture of an entire British fleet (Battle of Lake Erie) 1814 Received the thanks of Congress for his part in the war 1819 Contracted yellow fever on the Orinoco River, Venezuela, and died at sea off Trinidad
The American fleet had these ships: 3 brigs 5 schooners 1 sloop
The British had these types of ships: 2 ships 2 brigs 1 schooner 1 sloop
" We have met the enemy and they are ours.” Commodore Perry
My objective is for the class to name the two main ships of the Americans. The two main ships are the Niagara and the Lawrence.