Clear your desks of EVERYTHING except your timeline. Have your notebook in your lap If you haven’t copied the reading schedule for break, copy it now!
By Mr. Connolly and Ms. Grotts
Adah ended herself in college, going to medical school at Emory University. Calls science her new ‘religion’ (409) She is now speaking Estranged relationship with her mother due to trust issues (think about the ANTS story) Learns the truth behind Nathan’s medal (413) Continues to wonder about why she was the one who was saved
“Tell all the Truth but tell it slant, says my friend Emily Dickinson. And really what choice do I have? I am a crooked little person, obsessed with balance” (Kingsolver 409) “In organic chemistry, invertebrate zoology, and the inspired symmetry of Mendelian genetics, I have found a religion that serves. I recite the Periodic Table of Elements like a prayer” (Kingsolver 409) “This is what I carried out of the Congo on my crooked little back. In our seventeen months in Kilanga, thirty-one children died, including Ruth May. Why not Adah? I can think of no answer that exonerates me.” (Kingsolver 413)
Adah is now speaking Found her OWN religion She is back in Georgia She never trusts Orleanna
Abandonment (Connolly) Thirst for Knowledge (Grotts) Betrayal (Connolly)
Emily Dickinson poem about the importance of crafting truth in a way that is both understandable and meaningful (Referenced on page 409) Tell all the truth but tell it slant — Success in Circuit lies Too bright for our infirm Delight The Truth's superb surprise As Lightning to the Children eased With explanation kind The Truth must dazzle gradually Or every man be blind —
Orleanna Life after Congo Adah Life after Congo New life through school
Students will NOT add their 3 multiple choice questions to the Powerpoint. WHY NOT?! Because if they are high-level questions, you might see them again on a quiz or test. Even more incentive to create high-level questions- if your question makes it on a test, YOU’LL KNOW THE ANSWER!
Here you would add vocabulary that you used in your presentation, OR any high level vocabulary from your assigned section of the book.
If we can do it, so can you!