CASE HISTORY Miss. Sadia Aslam, 12 years of age, a student of class 7 th un-married, R/O Shahdara Lahore, was referred to OPD, PIMH, Lhr. by a local family Physician for expert management. Before coming to this Institute she was seen by a number of local family Physicians, who diagnosed her a case of Epilepsy and every body started some anti-epileptic drugs but she deteriorated. When she presented in the OPD of PIMH she was having Epileptic fits daily.
GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A thin lean girl, with pale colour, rapid pulse, low grade fever and enlarged left sided cervical lymphnodes. Tonic colonic grand mal epileptic fit.
INVESTIGATIONS Hb12.00gm% ESR (78mm/1 st HR) Biopsy cervical lymphnodes chronic grannulomatus lymphadenitis chronic grannulomatus lymphadenitis CT Scan brain left frontal neoplastic lesion. left frontal neoplastic lesion. MRI acute haemorrage in left frontal region. acute haemorrage in left frontal region. No fundoscopic abnormality. No Neurological deficit.
DIAGNOSIS Tuberculoma causing epileptic fits. TREATMENT ATT Anti-epileptic drug (Carbamazepine)
CONCLUSION Epilepsy is a SYMPTOM not a disease.