Saving the Environment Easy Things YOU Can Do to Help!


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Presentation transcript:

Saving the Environment Easy Things YOU Can Do to Help!

Modern Agriculture: Flaws & Solutions Conventional Monocultures violate natural principles, requires upkeep, destroy soil. "Ecological deserts" - Destroy the environment and eliminate biodiversity High upkeep - Fossil fuels, chemicals, pesticides UNSUSTAINABLE - No matter what, this system cannot last forever! Permaculture/Sustainable Based on natural systems that build up rather than destroy soil every year, just like in nature. "Forest gardens" - Intelligently designed to work with the environment and produce high yields No footprint - Well designed systems use less labor. SUSTAINABLE!

What YOU Can Do to Help 1.Invest in organic food. This is a great first step. o They're more expensive but taste better and are more nutritious. 2.Invest in local agriculture. Superior to organics, this reduces the carbon footprint of your meal. VOTE WITH YOUR MONEY! o Local is often cheaper than the supermarket due to the lack of transportation costs. 3.The best option is to grow your own food. o It's hard and immensely gratifying work. o Tastes the best, and you know what went into it. No risk of contamination with microbes. o Saves you a lot of money. Especially if you eat a lot of produce. Stay healthy. o Eating healthy cuts down on avoidable health expenses.

Diet: If you Change Only One Thing... 1 lb. beef gallons water More water is used in meat production than all other uses combined. 80% of food produced in America feeds livestock. Livestock produce 250,000 lbs. excrement/second, almost NONE of which is treated. 1 lb. potatoes - 64 gallons water Humans produce 12,000 lbs. excrement/second, most of which is treated. Eat more fruits and vegetables! Fruits are the most efficient calories/acre in suitable climates

Submit Your Name and and Get a FREE Report Practical advice for reducing your carbon footprint and environmental impact. Foods to eat, lights to change, things to do that have the most impact. Save the Earth and your money. Smart gardening/landscaping - An introduction to Permaculture, Farming of the Future Real examples (videos, articles, etc.) from around the world of urban, suburban, desert and cold-climate farming successes! The Keyhole Garden - Why are circular raised beds an easy and totally awesome way to garden? Well, you won't break your back for one thing. Think how much money you'll save and how much good you'll do for the environment. Our current system will eventually collapse. Invest in your education!
