The Noble Eightfold Path By Evan Schrauth
The First and Second Path Right Speech-kind words, truthful -Say truth even when hurtful Right Actions-no bad choices - Refrain from all bad things
The Third and Fourth Path Right Livelihood- people seeking enlightenment - avoid employment where hurt someone Right Effort- replace bad thoughts - Sometimes Buddhist have ill thoughts
The Fifth and Sixth Path Right Mindfulness- foundation behind Buddhism -body, emotions, mental works/qualities Right Concentration- framework proper mediation -instructions effective mediation
The Seventh And Eighth Path Right Understanding- conveys understanding Philosophy -identification, causes, consequences, Eight steps Right Thoughts- understand teaching Budda - his/her outlook on world, issues
References Mr. Flood e-eightfold-path.htmlhttp:// e-eightfold-path.html ightFoldPath.gif