8 FOLD PATH >Designed to release one from ignorance, impulses, Tanha >Steps are not sequential they happen simultaneously RIGHT ASSOCIATION -preliminary, foundational step -associate with “truthwinners” -observe “truthwinners”
8 FOLD PATH 1.RIGHT VIEW Understanding of “4 Noble Truths”, Karma, and Reincarnation Seeing and understanding things as they really are Accepting things as they are Abandon hope / fear
8 FOLD PATH 2.RIGHT INTENT Do everything to try and live in the moment Remove ego Free yourself of “3 Poisons” 1 – Greed 2 – Hate 3 – Ignorance Must understand and learn to apply Compassion and Wisdom gradually take their place
8 FOLD PATH 3.RIGHT SPEECH “choose” not to say something instead of not saying something out of fear of not saying it Say nothing that is not true, helpful, necessary Don’t lie to yourself Includes “Mental Chatter”
8 FOLD PATH 4.RIGHT CONDUCT (DISCIPLINE) Live simply Make decisions which make life easier, learn how to act in every situation “5 Precepts” 1)Do not take life of any living thing 2)Do not steal 3)Do not lie 4)Abstain from sexual misconduct / overindulgence 5)Avoid intoxication
8 FOLD PATH 5.RIGHT LIVELIHOOD Doing things to help promote living the right life “compatible occupations”
8 FOLD PATH 6.RIGHT EFFORT Constant attempt to overcome unhelpful ways of thought and action
8 FOLD PATH 7.RIGHT MINDFULNESS/AWARENESS Sense that actions, words, and thoughts become increasingly conscious Much more aware of the body, feelings, thoughts that are around us, but not to interfere with them Acknowledge unwholesome impulses, which lessens chance of giving into them
“Rafts to Cross the River” THERVADA BUDDHISM Due to the importance and difficulty of accomplishing these eight activities and eliminating suffering, the Buddha advocated monastic life as the surest way to enlightenment. This perspective is known as the "Way of the Elders.“
“Rafts to Cross the River” MAHAYANA BUDDHISM Centuries after Buddha's death, a new path to enlightenment began to develop. “The Greater Vehicle“ opened the way to enlightenment to more people. Families and secular careers could attain enlightenment and end the cycle of rebirth.