Práctica (AT3) – Mystery Word Work out the following clues to find the letters for the mystery word below: 1.1 st letter of the Spanish word for ‘lottery’. 2.2 nd letter of 3 rd person preterite of the verb ‘ser’. 3.6 th letter of the Spanish word for ‘videogames’. 4.6 th letter of the Spanish word for ‘when’. 5.3 rd letter of the Spanish infinitive ‘to walk (a dog)’ 6.4 th letter of the Spanish for ‘I wash’ (as in ‘the car’) Look up this new word in the dictionary – what does it mean? ©MFL Sunderland/LJackson
Práctica (AT3) – Mystery Word Work out the following clues to find the letters for the mystery word below: 1.3 rd letter of 1 st person preterite of the verb ‘ser’. 2.3 rd letter of the Spanish word for ‘doctor’. 3.3 rd letter of 3 rd person conditional of the verb ‘ir’. 4.2 nd letter of the Spanish word for ‘policeman’. 5.2 nd letter of the Spanish word for ‘ambitious’. 6.5 th letter of 1 st person conditional of the verb ‘ser’ Look up this new word in the dictionary – what does it mean?
Práctica (AT3) – Mystery Word Work out the following clues to find the letters for the mystery word below: 1.8 th letter of the Spanish word for ‘film’. 2.1 st letter of the second Spanish word for ‘soap’. 3.3 rd letter of the Spanish word for ‘documentary’. 4.4 th letter of the Spanish word for ‘news’. 5.9 th letter of the Spanish word for ‘television’. 6.2 nd letter of the Spanish word for ‘adverts’. What is the mystery word an how does it relate to this topic?
Práctica (AT3) – Mystery Word Write each of the mystery words below: 1. _________________ Letter: __ 2. _________________Letter: __ 3. _________________Letter: __ 4. _________________Letter: __ 5. _________________Letter: __ 6. _________________Letter: __ Final word: ________________Meaning: ________________ Extension: Can you create your own ‘clues’ to create a mystery word?