4,667 four thousand, six hundred sixty-seven
9,004 nine thousand, four
2,945 two thousand, nine hundred forty-five
3,080 three thousand, eighty
2,222 two thousand, two hundred twenty-two
61,700 sixty-one thousand, seven hundred
88,545 eighty-eight thousand, five hundred forty-five
90,001 ninety thousand, one
73,206 seventy-three thousand, two hundred six
17,312 seventeen thousand, three hundred twelve
102,346 one hundred two thousand, three hundred forty-six
962,558 nine hundred sixty- two thousand, five hundred fifty-eight
100,080 one hundred thousand, eighty
277,300 two hundred seventy- seven thousand, three hundred
987,403 nine hundred eighty- seven thousand, four hundred three
2.1 two and one tenth
3.03 three and three hundredths
0.5 five tenths
0.84 eighty-four hundredths
6.90 six and ninety hundredths