Karl Marx Mason Fed Jessica Kim Victoria JochSociologist May 5th, 1818-March 14, 1883
Words to Describe Karl Marx “Old fashioned… violent… complicated… boring… nice in theory… nightmare in practice… waste of time… long words… mechanical… years in the library… abstract… Russia… failure… not that simple… time for something new… dead… beard.”
Brief History Of Karl Marx German Philosopher. He was born inTrier, formerly in Prussian Rhineland now called Rhineland-Palatinate.Trier Studied at The University of Berlin and The University of Bonn. Wrote for a radical news paper in Cologne, Germany. Before moving to London to pursue his views in Sociology. He married Jenny Von Westhalen in They had 7 children.
Marx Field in Research Sociologist, philosopher, historian and revolutionist He played a significant role in the social studies Marx’s is referred to as the “true father” of modern sociology Together Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels began to develop the ideas, which became the revolutionary proletarian socialism also known as communism
Contributions to Sociology In 1848 Marx joined a communist league and made a statement of their beliefs which became the Communist Manifesto a book that is now published Marx’s divided history into many stages; the ones he thought was most important were feudalism, capitalism and socialism. Marx’s materialist model of society to capitalism was dominant in the 19th century in Europe This also lead to society to be split into what Marx liked to call “classes” the Bourgeoisie and the workers also known as the proletariat
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Contributions to Social Science Believed in communism Thought that the class struggle between capitalists and workers would eventually lead to a socialist revolution *Class struggle: Economic cycles of expansion and contraction + Tension= Capitalists Which in fact means more power over working class
Why Marxism Came into effect Marx believed that socialism would eventually be replaced by a stateless, classes, society called communism He argued that a revolutionary action should be used to topple capitalism and bring about socio-economic change
How he benefited Sociology Several social theories that emphasize social conflict have roots in the ideas of Karl Marx His ideas on society have been applied and reinterpreted by scholars for over 100 years Ideas have served as a starting point for many modern feminist theorists
How was marxism used in the future Revolutionary socialist governments that support Marxist concepts took power in several countries in the 20th century. The Soviet Union 1922 was influenced by Marxism Also the People’s Republic of China 1949 was influenced by Karl Marx Lead to the development of Leninism, Stalinism, Trotskyism and Maoism
In Reflection Karl Marx’s book is still sold to this day The Concepts of Karl Marx is still applicable in today’s society Marxism is also present even though it does not have to do with the social sciences Marxism is still popular in today’s political discourse Marx’s ideas have been applied and reinterpreted by scholars for over a hundred years
Bibliography Works Cited "Karl." Karl Marx. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb "Karl Marx, " The History Guide -- Main. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb "Karl Marx, " The History Guide -- Main. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb "Karl Marx,Karl Marx Theory,Karl Marx Social Theory,Karl Marx Communism,Karl Marx Philosophy,Karl Marx On Capitalism,Karl Marx Conflict Theory,Karl Marx Book,Karl Marx Sociology,Karl Marx And Socialism,Class Struggle Karl Marx,Alienation Karl Marx Theory,D." Free Sociology Notes,Sociology Definition,Sociology Study Guide,Meaning Scope Of Sociology,Define Sociology Theory,Define Sociology,Introduction To Sociology,Sociology Study,Free Sociology Notes,Sociology Concept,Online Sociology Course. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb "Stanford." Karl Marx. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb