Pre and post op cataract scheme Welcome and thanks! Kate Malyn Clinical Governance & Performance lead
Impact on NHS Ageing population Pre and post op assessments in practice Increased convenience for patients Clinical management guidelines
Local defined outcomes Available in multiple sites Service made available to all patients Reduce number of visits for patient More accurate referral information Improved relations with other health care providers and CCG Patient satisfaction monitored
Access to service Self referral GP Other non-accredited optom Referral for post op assessment
Pre-op assessment Dilation and BIO Blepharitis management Discussion of health questionnaire Communication of risks and benefits of surgery Patient decision Patient experience questionnaire
Post – op assessment Slit lamp Refraction and VA’s Patient satisfaction If all well: Complete report Refer for second eye Discharge to follow up in GOS
Records to be kept All clinical tests undertaken All advice given All clinical decisions FTA Patient numbers Source of referral DNA’s
Information for CCG Performers reporting and audit Service review Clinical governance QiO Level 2 SIR Infection control Waste management Clinical audit Patient experience
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