The Western Civilization Nikolay Yavashev Professor: L.Terziev Class: Exposition Date:
What is Western Civilization? Beginnings 1) Lighting Bolt of Enlightenment 2) Christians and Pagans 3) Elitists and None-Elitists Modernizing the Man 1) Renaissance 2) Enlightenment 3) Romanticism
Philosophers The Teachers or Story Tellers? Nietzsche 1. Master-Morality 2. Slave-Morality 3. Christian-Morality(Herd) Plato i. The Republic ii. Leaders/Followers Are Plato Ethics and Nietzsche Ethic the same?
Lighting Bolt of Enlightenment Pre-Ancient Greece i. Hesiod ii. Homer iii. Olympian Gods Ancient Greece a. Socrates b. Plato c. Nature vs Gods Difference between Homer vs Hesiod?
Major Conflicts in the WEC Humanism vs Christianity-800BC-600AD Roles of Demigods/Gods/Humans during Ancient Greece? Nature vs Science-18 th -20 th century Explanations or given norms and facts? Theologies vs Atheism – 21 st century Is the believe in god better than believe in ourselves? Reality Checks? How have we matured for 2000 years?