Leaders influence in five ways: 1.What they pay attention to 2.Their reaction to critical incidents 3.Their deliberate role-modelling and teaching 4.Their choice of criteria for determining rewards and status 5.Their criteria for recruitment, promotion, retirement or dismissal Culture It is possible the only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture and that the unique talent of leaders is their ability to work with culture. Leaders decide on the culture when they decide on their people and how they interact with them. These create the CULTURE
Social media E mails Group Individual Following up actions Proactive actions Reactive actions Do what you know you should/ought External sources From mentors From coaching Implementing ‘Can do’ & Positivity Leading by example Decision making Rallying people Persuasion & debate All about: Wanting to be a leader Demonstrating being a leader Learning how to be a (better) leader Paperwork Procedures Company policies Personal management Measurement/KPI/Progress Tracking
Active member of the Forum Giving feedback on training & coaching Timely response to e mails Setting challenges outside comfort zone Booking sessions without prompting Completion of actions in timely manner ‘No excuses’ Further learning post coaching/mentoring Making connections to other situations Researching and learning more proactively Positive about programme with cohort and beyond Engagement with the Ops Board Contributing within the training Positivity and ‘can do’ All about: Wanting to be a leader Demonstrating being a leader Learning how to be a (better) leader
ManagementLeadership Planning Budgeting Implementing Vision Direction Purpose Organisation Structure Roles Alignment Understanding Clarity & Context Control Solving Problems Adjustment Motivation Inspiration Values & Responsibility John Kotter: What Leaders Really Do Two sides of the same coin.. Leaders require Balance and Perspective across both areas Management & Leadership
Emotional Intelligence - Key Leadership Skills
All three are inextricably linked and define the Leadership and Culture of a business
Activities, Responsibilities & Ownership