Good Successful Businesses By: Adam Langston
Google Started in 1998, Google is one of the most successful online businesses. In 2012, Google made a $10.74 billion profit in just that year alone! The picture below is one of Google’s server farms. Those server panels would relatively be over six feet tall!
Youtube The total revenue and profit per year of Youtube has not been said, but it is a very huge and rapidly growing business that Google bought in 2006 for $1.65 billion in Google stock (which would have increased if they kept onto it, but I am uncertain if they did.)
Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment has been a very successful gaming company since Starcraft, World of Warcraft, and Diablo. World of Warcraft has been running strong for 10 years. The game has been one of the largest MMOs, but is rivaled to new titles like Guild Wars. For 10 years World of Warcraft had a $15 a month subscription fee. In the first few weeks that the game came out the population of the game instantly spiked to 200k subs and growing. Today is has around 8.3 million subs, but the all time high was 11 million subs. That is a lot of revenue per month! This does not even include starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft 2 heart of the swarm, diablo, diablo 2, diablo 3, warcraft, warcraft 2, warcraft 3, warcraft 3 the frozen thone, and a online store for special in game items!
Razer inc Razer inc specializes in specially made keyboards and mice for gaming purposes. These keyboards are a bit expensive but for professional gamers the extra cash for a better keyboard is worth it. Some have extra keys on the mouse or detachable keypads on the keyboard for compact travel. They also provide arcade sticks and special keypads for MMO and MOBA gaming.
NewEgg Newegg sells computer parts and accessories online you can buy parts to upgrade or just buy a do it yourself kit and make one by yourself! I personally bought my computer from the site for $550 but after rebates It came to a total of $500. The are a very informative site and can help people with their first time building a pc. They can also give you information on computer parts and have their own youtube channel testing and previewing pc parts so you know what you are buying and getting into. Amazon is like just does not use a bidding system and instead uses only a buy it now system. I personally have purchased many things from amazon including my headset for my computer. Many people purchase things from amazon and make it a successful business.
Apple inc. Apple inc. is a well known company for selling computer software, computers, phones, mp3s, etc. today, apple makes $ billion in revenue. I personally don’t like the mac computer software or the parts made for them, but they are a successful business nonetheless.
Microsoft Microsoft sells software for computers, gaming consoles, and some video games. Microsoft is a very successful company and is the software most schools, gamers, and some businessmen use.
Riot Games Riot games has made a free to play game called league of legends, a free MOBA game that can use premium currency to buy things in game (premium currency costs money) it has been so successful that they were able to hold multiple championships and world championships, pay to create more characters, create more maps, and many other things to help the game stay alive.
Tritton Audio Tritton Audio sells high quality headsets for gaming consoles and computers. The headsets can be wireless, have up to 7.1 surround sound in the headsets, and are very durable. These headsets will cost around $80 but I would say they are worth it if you are a gamer.