UKOLUG - July Metadata for the Web RDF and the Dublin Core Andy Powell UKOLN, University of Bath UKOLN is funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre, the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC’s Electronic Libraries Programme and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.
UKOLUG - July Metadata applications resource discovery site-maps content rating e-commerce, rights management collaboration privacy Web-site management W3C’s Resource Description Framework (RDF) provides a generic metadata architecture
UKOLUG - July Outline... what is RDF? model syntax metadata schemas what is the Dublin Core? Dublin Core in RDF some examples current status of RDF conclusions
UKOLUG - July What is RDF? Resource Description Framework Input from various communities Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) Web Collections (Site maps, MCF) Libraries, museums, archives (DC) Privacy (P3P) W3C Metadata Activity Model and Syntax WG Schema WG Interoperability of metadata semantics, structure, syntax
UKOLUG - July RDF - the model based on mathematical model arc-node diagrams Web resources represented by nodes with URI collections of properties known as ‘descriptions’ Resource PropertyType Value Property
UKOLUG - July RDF - simple example or, in plain English… “Andy Powell is the author of the resource identified by Author Andy Powell
UKOLUG - July RDF - structured example provide structured metadata by replacing simple text value by another node. Author Andy Name
UKOLUG - July RDF - reification possible to make statements about properties process known as reification Cost £ ValidUntil
UKOLUG - July RDF - serialisation syntax serialisation syntax based on XML allows us to write down the RDF model in a way that can be processed by machines Title The UKOLN Metadata Home Page Title <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=” The UKOLN Metadata Home Page
UKOLUG - July RDF - serialisation syntax Title The UKOLN Metadata Home Page Title <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=” The UKOLN Metadata Home Page
UKOLUG - July RDF - serialisation syntax Title The UKOLN Metadata Home Page Title <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=” The UKOLN Metadata Home Page
UKOLUG - July RDF - serialisation syntax Title The UKOLN Metadata Home Page Title <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=” The UKOLN Metadata Home Page
UKOLUG - July RDF - multiple properties <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=” The UKOLN Metadata Home Page Dublin Core, MARC, TEI, IAFA, … Start of several Web pages about metadata Here is an example of a description with multiple properties:
UKOLUG - July RDF - review what does ‘Title’ mean? is your ‘Title’ the same as my ‘Title’? So, we’ve looked at simple arc-node diagrams and serialisation in XML… but...
UKOLUG - July RDF - namespaces XML namespaces are used to uniquely identify each PropertyType namespaces prefix the PropertyType separated by ‘:’, e.g. some title each namespace has URI associated with it to ensure uniqueness
UKOLUG - July RDF - schemas RDF Schemas define: available PropertyTypes within a particular metadata system structure allowable values semantics a Schema Definition Language is currently being defined by the W3C namespace URIs may point to schema definitions
UKOLUG - July What is the Dublin Core? 15 element metadata set resource discovery Web-based document-like objects emphasis on semantics widespread consensus several syntaxes currently set to become an early example of an RDF schema
UKOLUG - July DC history... workshop series - DC-1 to DC-5 discussion list DC Policy Advisory Committee DC Technical Advisory Committee series of 5 RFCs in preparation submission to NISO (…ISO)
UKOLUG - July Dublin Core - elements Title Subject Description Creator Publisher Contributor Date Type Format Identifier Source Language Relation Coverage Rights 15 element core metadata set
UKOLUG - July Qualified DC DC semantics are defined very broadly. Possible to: refine the meaning of elements using ‘type’: Relation TYPE=IsPartOf associate value with externally defined ‘scheme’: Subject SCHEME=LCSH Date SCHEME=ISO 8601 indicate ‘language’ of value Title LANGUAGE=en
UKOLUG - July How is DC currently used? Embedded into HTML Web pages tag limited functionality no structure version 4.0 support for SCHEMEs syntax for qualified DC in tags not well established
UKOLUG - July DC in HTML UKOLN Home Page...
UKOLUG - July DC in RDF The UKOLN Metadata Home Page DC:Title <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=” The UKOLN Metadata Home Page
UKOLUG - July DC in RDF The UKOLN Metadata Home Page DC:Title <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=” The UKOLN Metadata Home Page
UKOLUG - July DC in RDF The UKOLN Metadata Home Page DC:Title <RDF:Description RDF:HREF=” The UKOLN Metadata Home Page
UKOLUG - July RDF - current status Some support for RDF in Mozilla (Netscape source code release) RDF toolkits under development Several RDF editors available, e.g. DC-dot, UKOLN Reggie, DSTC W3C Syntax and Schema drafts still undergoing development
UKOLUG - July Browser Support for RDF Mozilla supports site maps in RDF, as well as bookmarks and history lists See Netscape or HotWired home page for a link to the RDF file. Trusted 3rd Party Metadata Embedded Metadata e.g. sitemaps Image from
UKOLUG - July Conclusions RDF is a general-purpose framework RDF provides structured, machine- understandable metadata for the Web metadata vocabularies can be developed without central coordination RDF Schemas describe the meaning of each property name Dublin Core is one of the key RDF Schemas signed RDF is the basis for trust