Networked Sampling System (NeSSI-Generation II) NeSSI-II Network and Sensor Developments Networked Sampling System (NeSSI-Generation II) Development and Field Test by John Mosher, Bob Nickels – Honeywell Sensing & Control and Ulrich Bonne – Honeywell Laboratories 2
NeSSI-II Network and Sensor Developments Outline: Project Team Definition and NeSSI functions. Status of NeSSI-I Challenges for NeSSI-II components: Networked Components Easy plug-and-play Intrinsically Safe Reliable Affordable Demo and field test of NeSSI-II Sensor Developments 2
NeSSI-II Network and Sensor Developments NeSSI Generation II Being Developed by a Supplier Team Supplier Team: Steve Doe (256) 435-2130 Parker-Hannifin Dave Simko (440) 349-5934 Swagelok Richard Hughes (310) 515-2866 Autoflow Bob Nickels (815) 235-5735 Honeywell-ACS John Mosher (209) 330-4004 Honeywell-ACS Ulrich Bonne (763) 954-2758 Honeywell Labs 2
NeSSI-II Network and Sensor Developments User Team for Potential DoE NeSSI Project Peter van Vuuren (281) 834-2988 ExxonMobil Rob DuBois (780) 998-5630 Dow Joe Andrisani (302) 695-3156 DuPont Steve Wright (423) 229-4060 Eastman Bob Reed (215) 652-1691 Merck Paul Vahey (973) 455-5977 Honeywell-SM Don Young/Don Nettles (510) 242-3298 ChevronTexaco Frank Schweighardt (610-481-6683) Air Products George Vickers (630) 420-3701 BP Paul Barnard (713) 336-5351 EquistarChemicals Steve Doherty (847) 982-7465 Pharmacia Carol Zrybko Kraft Michelle Cohn UOP Alan Eastman/Randy Heald (918) 661-3475 ConocoPhillips Center for Process Analytical Chemistry (CPAC) Mel Koch (206) 616-4869 U.Washington, CPAC 2
NeSSI Benefits Compliments of Bruce Johnson, DuPont |------------------------------------+------------------------------------| | Now | NeSSI | | Analyzer houses | Analyzer cabinets close to sample | | | point | | Long heat traced lines | Short heat traced lines | | Extensive design to bring sample | Minimal Design | | to sensor | | | One at a time assembly | Modular "tinker-toy" type assembly| | Field repair | Modular replacement of components | | | or systems, repair in shop or at | | | vendors | | Sample may not reach analyzer | Sample flow is validated | Compliments of Bruce Johnson, DuPont 2
Fig. 1. Functions of a Process Sampling System. Courtesy of ExxonMobil 2
Fig. 1a. Traditional Stream Sampling System in a Petrochemical Plant. No Modular or Standardized Components Courtesy of P.vanVuuren, ExxonMobil 2
Fig. 3. Sampling System for Measurement of H2O and O2 ppm NeSSI Generation I Fig. 3. Sampling System for Measurement of H2O and O2 ppm in a High-Purity Hydrocarbon Stream. Miniaturized Version Courtesy of D.Simko, Swagelok
NeSSI II = SP76 + IS + CAN + SAM NeSSI Generation II What is Generation II? NeSSI II = SP76 + IS + CAN + SAM SP76 = NeSSI Generation I from SEMI IS = Intrinsic Safety CAN = Controller Area Network – DeviceNet SAM = Sensor Actuator Manager – Open Interface to Plant-wide Network and/or Analyzer Reliable, Networked, Modular, Safe, Open, and Affordable!
NeSSI II = SP76 + IS + CAN + SAM NeSSI Generation II IS NeSSI II = SP76 + IS + CAN + SAM CAN SAM SP76 2
Accelerate development of the prototype system component NeSSI Generation II PROJECT ABSTRACT The Problem: Need for a networked, standardized,, modular, affordable and reliable process stream sampling and sensor system. Sampling systems now are causes for down-time and questionable process stream samples followed by costly control errors. Objectives are to: Accelerate development of the prototype system component such as intrinsically safe, digital pressure, temperature and flow (p, T, F), sensors, smart valves, flow-controllers, and a sensor/actuator networking capability Build, demonstrate, and test 1-2 NeSSI-II units, and Provide a platform for incorporating analytical sensors right into the sampling system. 2
Benefits Enabled by Full NeSSI Implementation: ABSTRACT (cont’d.) Benefits Enabled by Full NeSSI Implementation: Reduce down time, energy use & operating & sampling cost: U.S.: 0.1-0.2 Q/y or $10-20 billion Bring these savings to the end-users at an earlier date, and Reduce the business risk to the Supplier and End-User End-Users are members from across the processing industries: chemical, petrochemical, power generation, refining, food, beverage and dairy, pulp & paper Schedule: One year for design, build and lab-test One year for installation and field testing Deliverables: Interim and Final Reports (no hardware) on design of sensor hard- and software, NeSSI test results, benefits and recommendations Management of the Program: Honeywell + Consortium 2
Table 1. NeSSI Generation I versus II From Rob Dubois, Dow, May’02
Diagram of NeSSI-Gen2-POCA (Proof of Concept Assembly) to Check Networking and Control of Flow, Pressure and Temperature. (Courtesy of R.DuBois, DowChemical)
Comparison of NeSSI Generation Designs Feature Generation I Generation II Generation III Signal Type 4-20 mA; discrete Serial bus Serial bus Wireless; Opt.Fiber Protection Purging, X-proof Low-Power IS Low-Power IS Enclos.Classif. Div.2(Seldom Flam.) Div.1(Often Flam.) Div.1 (Often Flam.) Sensor Locat’n Off-Substrate On-Substrate Mini-Substrate Analyzer Locat Off-Substrate On/Off-Substr. MicroAnalytical Intelligence Limited Processor OB Processor OB Ctrol.Philosophy Centralized Distrib’d (SAM) Distributed (SAM) Regulat’g Comp. Self-Contained On-Substr.w/PID On-Substr. w/PID Passive Comp. Pure Mechanical Electro-Mechan. Int. Electro-Mechan. Valves Manual or Pneum., Off On-Substr.Combi On-Substr.Combi Heating External Substr.-Integrated Substr.-Integrated Wiring Pwr/Sig X-proof conduit/cable IS Plug & Play IS Plug & Play Communication Individual Hard-Wired Networked Networked Cost High Moderate Moderate to low. 2
CAN Communications - Issues and Background Issues/Questions: 1. Is it feasible to embed all required device electronics, microcontroller, and CAN communications into a NeSSI SP-76 1.5 x 1.5” footprint? 2. Is a CAN network capable of operating through an IS barrier? Selection of CAN as a communications enabler for NeSSI High Level Protocol SDS, DeviceNet, CANOpen - all publicly available & proven Data Link Layer Master/slave, peer-to-peer, multicast messaging All data types supported Diagnostics Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Resolution 16-bit CRC error checking, mgmt.capability Physical Layer Trunkline/multidrop with branches Separate twisted pairs for signal and device power distribution Up to 64 nodes, up to 500 meters trunk length Intrinsic Safety Application Layer Presentation Layer Session Layer Transport Layer Network Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer ISO OSI 7-Layer Model
Adaptation of Honeywell Temperature, Pressure, & Flow Sensors to NeSSI design standards. Microbridge flow sensor interfaced to a typical miniature CAN microcontroller and 12 mm connector. A similar interfacing approach will be used in this project to connect existing sensors and actuators to the CAN network. 12 mm by Bob Nickels, Honeywell 2
CAN Communication - Feasibility and Intrinsic Safety Evaluation DESCRIPTION OF TESTING: Lab tests utilized SDS protocol and devices A standard Zener Intrinsic Safety Barrier was used in series with both CAN communication signals. Component values were varied down to 4.3 volt Zeners and up to 100 ohms of series current-limiting resistance 20 CAN devices were connected over trunk lines varying from 5 to 250 meters Devices were configured to generate bus traffic as high as 20% bandwidth utilization to simulate worst-case conditions. A CAN network analyzer was connected to monitor traffic and detect errors TEST RESULTS: After over 72 hours of operation, a total of 87 million messages had been sent with only two CAN error frames. This is well within normal expectations for a CAN bus. CONCLUSION: (tentative) It appears that industrial CAN networks are entirely suitable for applications such as NeSSI when used with a properly-designed IS barrier.
Adaptation of Honeywell S1 Series Pressure Sensor to NeSSI design standards. Current Status: Sensor Design and SP76 housing qualified Intrinsically Safe (IS). CAN controller and transceiver chipsets identified. DeviceNet protocol selected and pretested in selected chipset. Preliminary CAN IS mode testing done. First POCA units being built for February delivery to Dow and ExxonMobil. Next Steps: Design and build PCBs incorporating selected sensing and communication chipsets/circuits. Design and build PCBs into SP76 Housings and qualify full product as IS. Establish and incorporate DeviceNet connector architecture for NeSSI applications. Test Assemblies in full DeviceNet network. Identify DeviceNet IS network restrictions and rules. Propose establishment of DeviceNet IS Special Interest Group (SIG) to ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendors Association). 2
Preliminary Investigation of SAM Controller Choices. MKS Instruments RMUd: DeviceNet in/Ethernet out 4” x 4” x 2” USB and Serial Ports 32 bit RISC Power PC Processor 2-16MB ROM, 32-64MB SDRAM Linux OS w/ JavaVirtual Machine HMI Development Software Included AutomationDirect 205: DeviceNet in/Ethernet out 3” x 4” x 6” Expandable local I/O, Serial Ports Windows CE OS Flowchart Programming Visio HMI/Control Software 2
NeSSI-II Sensor Developments… Cont’d Compatibility with SP76 Footprint: Pressure and Temperature Flow (Gases and Liquids) Self-Normalizing Flow Sensor Thermal Conductivity for Process Monitoring PHASED MicroAnalyzer 2
Thermal Microbridge Flow Sensors for NeSSI-II 2
Thermal Microbridge Flow Sensors for NeSSI-II 2
Smart, IS, Miniature, p, T, F Sensors for NeSSI Adaptation Smart, IS, Miniature, p, T, F Sensors for NeSSI Adaptation. (Courtesy of Honeywell) Smart, T-Compens. TC Sensor Smart, T-Compens. Flow Sensor 2
PHASED, a GC MicroAnalyzer 2
Multi-Stage Pre-concentration Cross section of PHASED structure Side Views of PHASED structure and Operation Multi-stage release of analyte increases its concentration: ~100-fold with 1st stage ~100 x n-fold after n stages To Separator 2
NeSSI Benefits, Nominal Ethylene Plant Output: 1-2 billion pounds ethylene / year. Savings enabled by smart, modular sampling (NeSSI I-III): 430$k/y due to building and ownership cost savings, over 15 year life, of 2.4 and 4$M, respectively (per P.VanVuuren et al) 100K$/y to 2+M$/y plant operational savings, due to conservative assumption of only a 1% improvement in process control (afford more measurements, and achieve greater efficiencies, less waste and less down time) Significance: 1-2% total savings by processing industries Total US energy use & GDP: 1017 Btu/year & $1013/year Assume US Process Industry uses 10% of total NeSSI: 1-2% of 1016 Btu/y (0.1-0.2 quads/y) or $10-20B/y. 2
NeSSI-II Network and Sensor Developments CONCLUSIONS Loaded CAN bus network error rate of 2: 87,000,000 is smaller than expected Sensors compatible with NeSSI-II are around the corner: PT, FT, IS certifications of P, F sensors were obtained before and need to be renewed NeSSI-compatible microanalyzers are under development Energy and cost savings are projected to be significant: 10-20 B$/y after NeSSI saturation of all industrial processes Team approach enhances risk of success 2
Acronyms CAN Controller Area Network ConnI Connectivity Initiative CPAC Center for Process Analytical Chemistry DoE-OIT Department of Energy, Office of Industrial Technologies EDS Electronic Data Sheet F Flow GC Gas chromatography GUI Graphical User Interface HMI Human-Machine Interface IFPAC International Forum for Process Analytical Chemistry IR Infra-red IS Intrinsically safe NeSSI New Sampling/Sensor Initiative NRE Non-Recurring Engineering labor ODVA Open DeviceNet Vendors Association OLE Object Linking and Embedding OPC OLE for Process Control based on Microsoft's OLE/COM technology OSI Open System Interconnect p Pressure PC Personal computer PDA Personal Digital Assistant SAM Sensor-Actuator Manager SDS Smart Distributed System SIG Special Interest Group T Temperature TEDS Transducer Electronic Data Sheet V Valve 2
Thank You! NeSSI-II Network and Sensor Developments Contact Information: John Mosher (209) 330-4004 Honeywell ACS Bob Nickels (815) 235-5735 Honeywell ACS Ulrich Bonne (763) 954-2758 Honeywell Labs 2