This workshop will: −Offer practical tips on how you can improve your recall of the material being presented −Explore the important aspects of presenter style and confidence. −Provide basic tips for group presentations Louise Livesey Academic Skills Adviser Effective Presentation Delivery
The Plan 1.Remembering the content 2.Presentation delivery structure 3.Controlling voice quality 4.Establishing audience rapport 5.Coping with interruptions 6.Tips for delivering group presentations 7.Presentation delivery checklist
1.Remembering the content Mindmaps – pictures!! Bullet points PowerPoint Notes facility Annotated PowerPoint slides Index cards
2.Presentation delivery structure Rule of 3 Tell them what you will tell them Tell them Tell them what you’ve told them
3.Controlling voice quality Language & Purpose Clarity & Volume Pace
4.Establishing audience rapport Body Language Eye-contact Be aware of your audience Humour? Coping with nerves −What are your concerns?
Prepare well and give yourself time to set up Relax by controlling your breathing Try and energy yawn 4.Establishing audience rapport
Telephones off/silent Fielding questions Give permission to leave Persistent Noise Unwanted Interjections Inappropriate Behaviour 5.Coping with interruptions
6.Tips for group presentations Assigning roles –Play to your strengths –Equal but different Team work –stay together How will you answer questions? Support each other –Avoid looking bored!
Converted material to notes Rule of 3 Control voice Body language and eye contact Limit interruptions Group presentation Keep it simple Good design and preparation builds confidence Practice builds confidence 7. Presentation delivery checklist
Talk like a confident presenter, Walk like a confident presenter, And act like a confident presenter, Your audience will think you are a confident presenter and You will too
Academic Skills Advice Service Where are we? Chesham Building B0.23 What do we do? Support undergraduate students with their study skills by running clinics and workshops, having bookable appointment slots, and enabling students to drop-in for Instant Advice. Who are we? Michael and Helen specialise in Maths Support; Lucy and Russell advise students on study skills; and I (Louise) deliver the workshops When can you come for help? Everyday both face to face and on-line How do I get in touch? academic- or website skillsacademic-
Any questions?