57 rounded to the nearest ten is 60. To round 57 to the nearest ten … ... decide which two tens it lies between .. 57 50 60 ... 57 is nearer to 60. 57 rounded to the nearest ten is 60.
82 rounded to the nearest ten is 80. To round 82 to the nearest ten … ... decide which two tens it lies between .. 82 80 90 ... 82 is nearer to 80. 82 rounded to the nearest ten is 80.
20 30 25 25 rounded to the nearest ten is 30. To round 25 to the nearest ten … ... decide which two tens it lies between .. 25 20 30 ... 25 is half way – it’s not nearer to 20 or 30 If it’s half way we always round up. 25 rounded to the nearest ten is 30.
326 rounded to the nearest ten is 330. To round 326 to the nearest ten … ... decide which two tens it lies between .. 326 320 330 ... 326 is nearer to 330. 3 2 6 because the 6 is bigger than 5 (half way) we round up 326 rounded to the nearest ten is 330.
71 679 71 rounded to the nearest ten is 70. To round 71 to the nearest ten … 71 1 is less than 5 (half way) so round down to 70 71 rounded to the nearest ten is 70. To round 679 to the nearest ten … 679 9 is greater than 5 (half way) so round up to 680 679 rounded to the nearest ten is 680.
326 rounded to the nearest hundred is 300. To round 326 to the nearest hundred … ... decide which two hundreds it lies between .. 326 300 400 ... 326 is nearer to 300. 3 2 6 because the 26 is less than 50 (half way) we round down 326 rounded to the nearest hundred is 300.
151 679 151 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200. To round 151 to the nearest hundred … 151 51 is greater than 50 (half way) so round up to 200 151 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200. To round 679 to the nearest hundred… 679 7 is greater than 5 (half way) so round up to 700 (or 79 is greater than 50(half way) so round up to 700) 679 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700.
5.8 rounded to the nearest unit is 6. To round 5.8 to the nearest unit (whole number) … ... decide which two units it lies between .. 5.8 5 6 ... 5.8 is nearer to 6. 5.8 because the 8 is greater than 5 (half way) we round up 5.8 rounded to the nearest unit is 6.
2.7 8.26 2.7 rounded to the nearest unit is 3. To round 2.7 to the nearest unit … 2.7 7 is greater than 5 (half way) so round up to 3 2.7 rounded to the nearest unit is 3. To round 8.26 to the nearest hundred… 8.26 2 is less than 5 (half way) so round down to 8 (the 6 doesn’t matter – only look at the next digit after the whole number) 8.26 rounded to the nearest unit is 8.