COUNTRY INFORMATION Name : Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia Population : 237.424.363 (2011 census) Number of Islands : 17.504 (5 great islands, more than 5.000 are populated) Number of Kabupaten/Kota Districts : 530
CURRENT STATUS Based on 2011 Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE) data : Number of SMK (Technical and Vocational School) : 9100 Spreads of SMK : 98% of districts Number of SMK Competencies : 121
NATIONAL POLICY Strategic Plan for 2010-2014 in Implementation of ICT in Technical and Vocational Education At least 70% SMK implement e-Learning E-Learning definition based ib MoEC = Computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge, consist of Computer-based learning Internet-based learning Web-based learning 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 70% SMK implement e-Learning 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
5 STEP 3 LEVEL OF IMPLEMENTATION Step 1 (Multimedia Learning) Inside the class Using multimedia teaching material Using interractive multimedia learning material Step 2 (Network Utilization) Intranet and Internet Access SMK has website Step 3 (Online Teaching and Learning Material) SMK has virtual library SMK try to install Learning Management System (LMS) Step 4 (Implementation of LMS) Online learning Online examination Step 5 (School Management Information System Integration) Integration of LMS with School MIS Level 1 Level 2 n Level 3
GOVERNMENT SUPPORT To Achieve Level 1 2009 E-Learning developed by MoEC uploaded in Internet
Multimedia Teaching Material developed by DTVE uploaded in Internet
2010 24000 Projectors given to more than 6000 SMK 35000 Laptops given to more than 7000 SMK
MoEC also developed E-learning based on animation
2011 MoEC developed the house of learning (rumah belajar)
To Achieve Level 2 2006-now Establishment of Internet connection to SMK through Schoolnet, ICT Center, and International Standard School program Financial support and training to ICT center and International Standard School to develop their own website, virtual library and Learning Management System (LMS)
2007 Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE) also developed National Education Network.
GOVERNMENT SUPPORT (2) To Achieve Level 3 MoEC cooperate with Ministry of Information and Communication give an ICT Award (INAICTA : Indonesia Information and Communication Technology Award
Financial support to build school MIS for International Standard School DTVE is still developing simple MIS for SMK which is integrated with MIS and LMS
ISSUES How to develop GOOD teaching and learning material direction (in interractivity and pedagogical method) How to establish GOOD internet connection for more than 9100 SMK How to disseminate the knowledge about how to develop and optimize website, virtual library, and LMS development from International Standard School and ICT Center to another SMK in the region How to use online learning and exam as the student learning facility during industry practice phase and for optimizing the school hour for teacher-student and student-student interraction
PRACTICE IN THE SCHOOL SMKN 3 BOGOR Practice in the school base on 5 step of implementation Step 1 (Multimedia Learning) Vocational High School 3 Bogor has four multimedia classrrooms, one self access centre, two language laboratories, projectors for each laboratory. Most of the teachers use multimedia in their teaching.
SMKN 3 BOGOR Step 2 (Network Utilization) SMKN 3 has a network using cable and hotspot. The address for the website is
SMKN 3 BOGOR Step 3 (Online Teaching and Learning Material) Online teaching developed by SMKN 3 Bogor :
SMKN 3 BOGOR Learning materials developed by SMKN 3 Bogor :
SMKN 3 BOGOR Step 4 (Implementation of LMS) Online learning developed by SMKN 3 Bogor :
SMKN 3 BOGOR Online examination developed by SMKN 3 Bogor :
SMKN 3 BOGOR Step 5 (School Management Information System Integration) SMKN 3 Bogor are still developing how to integrate LMS with the MIS.
SMKN 59 JAKARTA Practice in the school base on 5 step of implementation Step 1 (Multimedia Learning) Vocational high school of 59 has four interactive board each in multimedia, computer, marketing, and English language laboratory. Projector for 12 classrooms, 4 in each laboratory, 1 in the teacher’s room. All of the teachers use notebooks to deliver multimedia learning using Power point, Adobe Flash, and Internet.
SMKN 59 JAKARTA Step 2 (Network Utilization) Network using Cable and Wi-Fi Proxy Server Web server
SMKN 59 JAKARTA Step 3 (Online Teaching and Learning Material) Virtual Library using open source developed by Senayan Library Management System
SMKN 59 JAKARTA Learning Management System using Moodle :
SMKN 59 JAKARTA Step 4 (Implementation of LMS) Online Learning developed by SMKN 59 Jakarta
SMKN 59 JAKARTA Online examination developed by SMKN 59 Jakarta :
SMKN 59 JAKARTA An MIS developed by the PDE (Pengolah Data Elektronik)
SMKN 59 JAKARTA Multimedia teaching material development A training by IT Division
THE ADVANTAGES OF USING ONLINE LEARNING ARE : Lower cost in electronic publication of course material compared to printing the same material. Faster methods for electronically revising and re-distributing course materials and documentation compared to print materials. Using the World Wide Web for delivering courses allows instructors to develop content a single platform, yet the content is accessible by students using a wide range of computing platforms and WWW browsers. Ability to re-use lecture materials by simply providing links to previous electronic course modules or externally stored resources materials on the Internet. Ability to automatically track student's online behaviour. Ability to have automated registration and billing using commerce WWW servers. Larger number of students can take courses (not limited by geographical region). Potential source of new revenues. Automation of the student evaluations with online interactive quizzes.
THE OBSTACLES WHICH ALSO BECOMING OUR CHALENGES USING ONLINE LEARNING ARE : Relatively high cost of setting up reliable computer equipment and the technical support for that equipment. Requires investment of time to learn methods and procedures. Lack of incentives for instructors to learn and use new technology. Instructors that feel uncomfortable with technology may resist using new instructional methods. Lack of support for training instructors with new technology may cause instructors not to learn new technologies and methods. Unreliability of equipment being used can cause problems in the delivery of courses over the Internet, which can be reflected in poor student evaluation of such courses. The World Wide Web limits the expression of the content to current authoring features. Using extensions to the authoring language poses restrictions on the types of browsers that can be used to properly view the content. The bandwidth limitations can make some interactive multimedia applications too slow for effective learning. Students typically have a wide range computing power on their personal machines which necessitates the development of lecture content in both high bandwidth and low bandwidth formats. This requires more time to develop and to maintain the content.