Kim Weiss Computer Science
Accessible from any computer with Internet access Hard to misplace Performs calculations automatically Secure access to grades Allows students to monitor class performance regularly
No software installation required Free to students Automatic grade calculation Provide student view and instructor view Student grade reports, with individual grades and current grade, both online and printed Easy backup of gradebook to another computer
Assignment calendar showing due dates for all assignments Option to upload assignment instructions to course Attendance tool included with each class Discussion board tools to allow interaction between students
Technical support available by and phone Students can submit files to be annotated and graded online Assignment libraries allow assignments to be copied between classes Student can self-enroll in classes or be added by instructor Student ID based on address (can use same account for any class or any instructor) Students can compare performance against the class as a whole Instructor can post feedback with grades in the gradebook
Licensed-based: Instructor must have paid account (paid by Sullivan) Cannot duplicate classes Individual assignments are scaled in the gradebook, rather than using assignment-type scales All assignments must be entered into gradebook to calculate overall grade for course Grade reports are created only on a student-by- student view Items appear in the gradebook in the same order used to enter the items—they are not grouped by assignment type
Free to use: No charge for anyone, at any time Can duplicate class settings, but not assignments Assignment types are scaled, rather than individual assignments Assignments can be added as needed, with accurate grade calculation Online file storage folder for syllabi, assignment instructions, etc. All grade reports for a single class can be generated with one click More flexibility for missed, excused, or extra credit work
Instructor must add students to classes Student ID is instructor- and course-specific Students cannot submit files to Engrade Instructor cannot post comments with grades No student-to-class comparison tools No central technical support Very slow during high-use periods
Engrade Overview: teachers.php teachers.php TurnItIn Overview:
GradeConnect ( GradeBookPortal (