Copyright Infringement is…
When participating in copyright infringements, you are basically claiming someone else’s work as your own. As opposed to doing things the right way and working hard for your results.
…and just like in “regular cheating, there are punishments.
…In the next few slides I have answered a few question about copyright infringement.
What is the penalty for copyright infringement? Basically, the culprit would end up paying the victim of copyright infringement for the loss of business and “damages” that have resulted from the infringement.
What does the term “fair use” mean and who is included in the fair use clause? Fair use is the copying of copyrighted material, done for a justifiable Critics and Commentators, News Reporters, and Teachers
What kinds of things need to be considered when determining whether copyright has been adhered to? Time of fair usage Length of segment Permission to use material
What are the conditions for using someone else’s words? Citations …And permission if extensive usage will be needed
What are the conditions for using another’s musical score If it is to be performed for a profit… Royalties must be paid to composer And permission granted
What are the guidelines for using film in the classroom? Either 10% or 3 minute (whichever is less)
What are the guidelines for using film in the classroom? Either 10% or 3 minute (whichever is less) The same rules apply: 10% or 3 minutes What if you want to tape something off the TV to use in the classroom?
How can you get permission to use items in your classroom? Contact the creator KNOW YOUR COPYRIGHT RULES!!!
When items are posted to a website what should the creator be careful to consider? That the person that posted the item may or may not have followed copyright laws. KNOW YOUR COPYRIGHT RULES!!!