Adventure Stories The Dragon Slayer
As part of writing week we have been watching a film called The Dragon Slayer.
Vocabulary We began by watching sections of the film and gathering exciting adventure vocabulary to use in our writing which would bring the story to life. For the activity we worked in pairs sorting a bank of words which we had collect, into different intensities - from very powerful to less powerful.
Choosing sentence starters The next step was to explore a variety of interesting ways to open sentences, to keep the reader engaged. This was the skeleton of the story and we enriched it with more detail and rich vocabulary.
We watched scenes of the film again, to enable us to focus on a section at a time and include detail about each event. The writing process began!!!.
During this process, our focus was on sentence construction, use of rich adventure vocabulary and using exciting sentence openers. We were not focussed on our presentation as we needed to get our ideas recorded We completed a first draft. This is the opening to one of our stories.
We wrote our final drafts for display.