1 AOA Ops and Safety Conference 2015 Post Transition EASA audit at Bristol Airport
Prior Information and preparation Information from the CAA was reasonably vague. The “new” areas were the main items to be covered. Management of Change; Compliance monitoring; Personnel Requirements; Training and Proficiency Check Programmes; Record Keeping; Use of Alcohol/Psychoactive substances; Prevention of Fire; Contracted Activities Co-ordination with Other Organisations 2
Prior information and preparation Lots of updated versions of transition information had changed hands, from us to the CAA. No specific pre audit information had been requested, no ASR type document. Apart from that we prepared as normal but had a feeling this was going to be a paperwork exercise. We understood this was going to be a learning process for us as a team and the CAA team. 3
Audit The audit focussed mainly on the Ops Basis. The CB, was accepted no changes affecting the CB had been made so we expected this. The audit appeared, to us, to be a little disorganised. As if certain decisions around certain rules and GM had not been made. Inspectors had the wrong versions of our documents, probably a symptom of increasing workloads and information overload from transitioning airports. New reporting format, accountable manager interviews. We have an opportunity to shape the areas that have not yet been “defined”, we would have liked more time. 4
Audit Read the rules, use the guidance. 5