CISE Programs and the Information Technology Research Program Greg Monaco Division of Advanced Networking Infrastructure & Research Computer & Information Science & Engineering Directorate
CISE Organization CISE ACIRANIRC-CREIA Advanced Computation Research Networking Research, Middleware Over 45 Programs Commun. Sig. Proc. Embed Sys Dsgn Aut Architecture Cross-cut. Programs [Edu, Divrs, Infra, Expr] IIS Dig. Soc. HCI Info Mngt Robotics Cognitive
CISE Goals Enable world leadership in computing, communications & Information Science; Promote understanding of principles and uses of advanced computing, communiations, and information systems in service to society; Contribute to universal, transparent, and affordable participation in an information- based society.
CISE Budget for Awards ($millions)
Budget is used to Support investigator-initiated research in all areas of computer and information sciences and engineering; Develop and maintain cutting-edge national computing and information science infrastructure; Contribute to the education and training of the next generation of computer scientists and engineers.
CISE Infrastructure Provides the general scientific community with Access to advanced computing and advanced networking capabilities Extremely powerful computing resources National infrastructure Distributed research resources and systems for research and education
CISE Sample Research Programs Advanced Networking Research Advanced Computation Research Biocomputation Collaborative Research on Learning Technologies Digital Society and Technologies Knowledge and Cognitive Systems Operating Systems and Compilers Signal Processing Systems; Communications Software Engineering and Languages Theory of Computing
CISE Sample Infrastructure Programs PACI (Partnerships in Adv. Comp. Infrastructure) High Performance Network Connections CISE Research Infrastructure Instrumentation Grants for Research in CISE
CISE Research Divisions C-CR Computer and Communications Research - Communications - Computer Systems Architecture - Design Automation - Embedded and Hybrid Systems - Numeric, Symbolic and Geometric Computation - Operating Systems and Compilers - Signal processing Systems - Software Engineering and Languages - Theory of Computing - Trusted Computing
CISE Research Divisions IIS Information and Intelligent Systems - Digital Society and Technologies - Human Computer Interaction - Information and Data Management - Knowledge and Cognitive Systems - Robotics and Human Augmentation - Digital Libraries
CISE Infrastructure Divisions ANIR Advanced Networking Infrastructure & Research - Advanced Networking Infrastructure - High Performance Network Connection for S&E - Experimental Infrastructure Network (EIS) - Networking Research Testbeds (NRT) - Middleware Initiative (NMI) - Special Projects in Networking - Strategic Technologies for the Internet - Research Experience for Teachers - International Networking
CISE Infrastructure Divisions ACIR Advanced Computational Infrastructure and Research - Advanced Computational Research - Distributed Terascale Facility - Large Scientific and Software Data Set Visualization - Next Generation Software - Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure - Terascale Computing System - Research Experience for Teachers
CISE Infrastructure Divisions EIA Experimental and Integrative Activities - Educational Innovation - Minority Institution Infrastructure - ADVANCE program for women - Combined Research-Curriculum Development - Research Resources and Research Infrastructure - Major Research Instrumentation - Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships - Digital Government
Special Programs for Undergraduate Institutions Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) limit: average of 10 PhDs per year over the last 2-5 years RUI Impact Statement Special Note to Reviewers Research Opportunity Awards (ROA) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Supplements to active NSF awards
ITR: Information Technology Research Result of the President’s Info Tech Advisory Committee (PITAC) Report of 1999 Resulted in the “ITR” Program starting in FY00 Budget now over $240M across NSF – more than the CISE Research budget for base programs Additional $35M for Terascale Computing Infrastructure
PITAC Presidential Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) points to Software as central product and problem. PITAC Report in Major Recommendation: “Make fundamental software research an absolute priority” Four major research priorities: –Software –Scalable Information Infrastructure –High-End Computing (including software R&D) –Socio-Economic & Workforce Impacts
ITR Funding Picture
ITR 2003 Modes of Funding Three sizes of grants –30% funding for single-PI projects (<$500K total) Each NSF directorate has its own budget (Dec. 12, 2002) –50-60% funding to medium groups (<$1M/yr to 5 years) No pre-proposals !! (Feb. 12, 2003) Review centrally coordinated by ITR Committee –10-20% funding to large groups (<$3M/yr to 5 years) Pre-proposals in November 2002, Full proposals March 24,2003 Recommendation from NSF is binding International and for-profit collaborations are encouraged
ITR 2003 Principal Research Areas 1.Communication and Networking 2.Scientific and Engineering Frontiers 3.Software and Hardware Systems 4.Information Management 5.IT Societal and Human Impact
ITR 2003 Research Areas 1.Communication and Networking - New paradigms for communication - Large-scale network infrastructure - Ubiquitous / pervasive computing - Distributed sensor networks
ITR 2003 Research Areas 2. Scientific and Engineering Frontiers - Create methodologies and instruments with new capabilities - Use computation to explore new science and/or engineering concepts - Develop new paradigms for computing (e.g., DNA or quantum computing)
ITR 2003 Research Areas 3. Software and Hardware Systems –Balance hardware, software, communication –Building dependable systems –Scaling up –Managing networked embedded systems –Sharing, collaborating, interacting
ITR 2003 Research Areas 4. Information Management - Database and knowledge modeling - Human and computer interaction - Computer vision and robotics - Embedded intelligent systems
ITR 2003 Research Areas 5. IT Societal and Human Impact –Human-enabling physical devices and systems that enhance physical capability –Better societal use of information –Multi-lingual systems –Changes in business, labor & organizational processes through e-everything
International Research Fellowship Program Supports young researchers to work outside the U.S. for from three to 24 months Eligibility: U.S. citizens or Perm. Residents who are within three years of a Ph.D. Annual deadline of the second Tuesday in October awards per year Re-entry support available Contact: for further details
Review Criteria Standard NSF Criteria: –Intellectual Merit of Proposed Activity –Broader Impacts of Proposed Activity ITR Considerations: –Integration of Research and Education –Integration of Diversity –Innovation in IT NSF needs reviewers! –Key to all peer-reviewed programs
Review Criteria As of Oct. 1, 2002, NSF will RETURN WITHOUT REVIEW proposals that do not include in the Project Summary an explicit statement concerning the Broader Impacts of the proposed research and a separate statement addressing the Intellectual Merit of the proposed research!
Important URLs
Submitting Proposals Select the appropriate Program: Contact the Program Director Check the Submission Deadline Indicate correct Program and Organization Be as explicit as possible: Division, Program NSF may still decide to move prop to another program Only submit proposal once--NSF can have proposal considered by multiple programs
Writing Effective Proposals Reviewers do not yet know how good you are and how wonderful your ideas are: Educate them! Tell us: –What problem(s) does your work address? –Why is this problem important ? –What will you do to contribute to a solution? –What unique ideas/approaches do you have? Put in context –Why are you the best person to do this work? –How will you evaluate your results? (How will we know if you were successful or if you failed?) –How will you assure that the work has an impact ?
Special Considerations Choosing among opportunities –CAREER has high prestige, 5 years, 20-25% success rate –Standing programs vary widely in size and success rates –ITR can give generous grants in many areas— up to $15M—but with extremely low success rates %