1 Technological Issues in Blended E-Learning Dr. Badrul Khan’s E-Learning Framework Katrina Joseph | March 5, 2008
2 Infrastructure Planning Hardware Software Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure
3 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Characteristics Scalable Sustainable Reliable Consistently available Infrastructure Planning
4 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Issues Technological and Technical Capabilities Digital Literacy Sharable and Reusable Objects Policy Infrastructure Planning
5 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Technological and Technical Capabilities An institution should have reliable, efficient networks and competent technical staff to support e-learning There may be unexpected problems associated with the network Infrastructure Planning
6 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Infrastructure Planning
7 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Digital Literacy Students, faculty, and staff should be digital literate in order for them to participate actively in e-learning Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants Infrastructure Planning
8 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Infrastructure Planning
9 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Sharable and Reusable Learning Objects Learning Object A discrete piece of instructional content that meets a learning objective Can be shared and reused to support learning Digital and non-digital Infrastructure Planning
10 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Sharable and Reusable Learning Objects (cont.) Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) A set of interrelated technical specifications Share and reuse content across multiple environments and products Infrastructure Planning
11 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Infrastructure Planning
12 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Infrastructure Planning
13 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Infrastructure Planning
14 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Infrastructure Planning
15 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Policy Policies and guidelines on technology-related issues for hardware, software, and networks Infrastructure Planning
16 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Infrastructure Planning
17 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Hardware for e-learning may include: LMS servers desktop computers laptops web servers media servers scheduling servers modems networking devices wireless devices Hardware printers scanners instructor cameras document cameras still graphics generators integrated control panels microphones storage devices
18 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Hardware
19 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Software for e-learning may include: LMS software e-learning authoring software web browser software file transfer software database development software web 2.0 software Software
20 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Software
21 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Software
22 Technological Issues Hardware Software Infrastructure Questions? Presentation on George Mason’s Learning Management System Brooke Adams LMS Administrator George Mason University