MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL Y3 Spring 2 2015 MATHS In This term in Maths, Year 3 will be introduced to a range of skills to support their understanding.


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Presentation transcript:

MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL Y3 Spring MATHS In This term in Maths, Year 3 will be introduced to a range of skills to support their understanding of how to add and subtract two 2 digit number and three digit numbers. In addition to this they will derive and recall multiplication facts for the 3,4 and 8 times tables and their corresponding division facts. They will also be consolidating finding fractions of amounts and numbers, writing fractions and to compare and order fractions with the same denominator. Websites you could visit to support your child: SCIENCE In science we will be learning about healthy eating. Children will know the main food groups and how these are sorted into different nutritional values. Also how these keep us healthy. They will use tables and lists to gather information about the nutritional value of foods and devise a healthy menu for a child of their own age. Children are also learning about the human skeleton and comparing with other animals. They will also learn the function of muscles. They will have the opportunity to carryout an investigation planning their own fair test. ons_muscles/read/1/ ENGLISH This term in English children will be exploring a range of different genres to become better writers. Through the P.O.R book,’Into the Forest’, written by the famous children’s author ‘Anthony Brown’ they will writing descriptions of settings, creating their own stories and writing informal letters. In addition to this they will be writing non chronological reports based on rainforest animals and healthy eating. For our final end of term writing piece children will be writing persuasive letter. Children will be provided with lots of opportunities to role play as character and support their speaking and listening skills which they will transfer into writing. Geography In geography we will be learning all about rainforests. Children will practise their map-reading skills by using atlases to find the locations of rainforests around the world. They will learn about the animals and plants that can be found in rainforests, as well as the indigenous tribes; their customs and how they live, what they wear, what their homes are like and what they eat. Children will also be debating deforestation: why the rainforests are being destroyed and how this affects different people. Useful websites: P.O.R Book Spring 2 Into the Forest By Anthony Brown PHYSICAL EDUCATION Please can you ensure that your child brings in the appropriate PE kit: white shirt and black shorts, leggings or skirt. Please can you also make sure children have pumps that fit them. We will be doing tag-rugby this term, learning how to hold pass the ball correctly, how to work as a team, and some of the basic rules of the game. Art/DT In DT. Children will be cooking a healthy dish traditional to South America (linking to geography.) They will look at traditional recipes and creating their own. They will lean the skills of handling and preparing food safely and hygienically. In Art children will be learning the skills of collage techniques to create a scene form this terms power of reading book. MUSIC All children in Year 3 will be learning to play violins this will involve learning to hold and try different techniques to support understanding in listening attentively to patterns and stories in music. In addition to this children will learn to sing from memory, begin to tell stories by listening to music and explore feelings through different percussions and videos planned. ICT Children will be using the internet to search for information about their geography and science work, learning how to use search engines appropriately and how to bookmark favourite pages. EDUCATIONAL VISITS To support our geography work we will be taking a trip to Tropical Butterfly House, Wildlife and Falconry Centre near Sheffield, where children will have close encounters and hands on experiences with all sorts of mini beasts, birds and amazing wildlife from around the world. Website: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION What do Christians believe about being good? Children will learn about how Christians use the bible as a special book. They will learn about various teachings from the bible and relate them to their own experiences. They will be looking at What rules Christians follow. They will also look at different stories and parables that Christians use to help with being obedient and keeping promises, being helpful and being forgiving. MFL Children will learn how to say different colours in French, the names of different foods and how to ask questions: is it good or bad for your health? They will then revisit French numbers and the days of the week.