 Uploaded on LEARN under the folder “EARTH’S COMPOSITION” is a document called › Minerals: (Jan 6- Jan 13)  This document is a worksheet that contains.


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Presentation transcript:

 Uploaded on LEARN under the folder “EARTH’S COMPOSITION” is a document called › Minerals: (Jan 6- Jan 13)  This document is a worksheet that contains all of this weeks assignments.  Make a COPY of it, complete ALL of this weeks work on the document, and SHARE it with me by… TUESDAY, JAN 13, 2014

 1. What are the characteristics of all minerals?  2. How is a mineral different from a rock?  3. Which characteristics can be used to identify different minerals?  4. How do scientists classify different minerals?

 At this point you should have your T-CHART filled out…  With your shoulder partner compare and contrast the different elements in your T- CHART.  Use google to revisit your TCHART, and place your elements in the correct columns.  Answer the question that follows your TCHART.

Directions: Look up the following words in your interactive glossary and write the definition in your OWN words. To find your interactive glossary: 1. Log into Discovery Education through LEARN 2. Click on “My DE Services” on the top left of the screen. 3. Click on “Science Techbook” 4. Click on the Orange box, in the top right corner that says “Interactive glossary”  Calcium  Magnetite  Ore  Luster  Volcano  Cumulonimbus cloud  Mineral  Geosphere  Litosphere  Pigment

 BELL WORK   

 On my Learn page there is a passage called “Rocks and Minerals”  We will read the passage as a class, and answer the questions on this weeks google document.

 We will watch the video “Geologist’s Notebook: What exactly are minerals”.  I will play the video twice.  Make sure you pay attention because you will need to answer a question using the ACE strategy, and you will need to CITE a quote or reference from the video.

 A: Answer the question in a full sentence. (Using question stem)  C: Cite a quote or reference. Use evidence from the reading passage or video that supports your answer.  E: Elaborate. Make a connection, give background knowledge, give evidence.

 BELL WORK    4 + 8

 We are now going to watch the video “Crystals: The flowers of the mineral world”  I will play the video twice.  You will answer two questions from the video, and write down three facts/ three things you learned from the video.

 Unit: Earth’s Composition  Concept: Minerals  Explore Tab  Using the explore tab and “additional resources”, answer the questions on your google document.  You may work on this with a partner.

 BELL WORK   

 We will watch the following three videos -”Jade” -”Gold” -”Nonrenewable Resources”  After watching all three videos you will write a one paragraph summary (5 sentences) answering the question found on your google document.

 BELL WORK   

 Uploaded on Learn are two articles…  “What a Gem!”  “They keep glowing, and glowing, and glowing”  We will popcorn read both of these passages and you will paraphrase each articles in four sentences.

 BellWork   