Social Media & Video Games By: Megan & Megan
Here Comes Everybody by: Clay Shirky New Leverage on Old Behaviors ◦ People form groups/networks that are complex ◦ Ability to organize as a group to complete complicated tasks ◦ “When we change the way we communicate, we change society.” ◦ Self-assembly altered how groups organize Tectonic Shift ◦ Barriers to group action have collapsed ◦ Competition to traditional institutional forms
Cognitive Surplus: Shirky Scarcity vs. Abundance ◦ The world is defined by the relationships it contains ◦ More media=cheaper=more experimentation Love vs. Money ◦ Media world of distributed authority Creativity vs. Creation ◦ Kittens on treadmills more creative than watching TV ◦ When to publish and when to filter
‘Facebook Grows up’ By: Steven Levy Open enrollment=movement to access the world through shared interests Experience built around people that you know Apps without having to leave the site Privacy concerns
‘How Mark Zuckerberg Turned Facebook Into the Web’s Hottest Platform: Fred Vogelstein Almost sold to Yahoo! Two qualities: authenticity and identity Free for all
‘Great Wall of Facebook’ by: Fred Vogelstein Google interested in personal data Facebook vs. Google Facebook harbors more information about people than can be googled Logging to comment with Facebook backseats anonymous postings Facebook valuing data over users
‘Year the Audience Keynoted’ by: Lewis Wallace Zuckerberg vs. SXSW New Level of interactivity ◦ Direct questioning ◦ Simultaneous postings/chats Video 0:35
Social Network Sites and Our Lives Facebook ◦ More active users, stronger relationships ◦ Keeping closer ties Users ◦ FemaleMainly 18-35White
Social ties: average user 634 ◦ Twitter and LinkedIn have largest networks Trust ◦ Internet users trust people more ◦ FB the most trusting Support ◦ Social networks create a supportive environment ◦ Know people better online than next door
‘A Game Saved my Life’ by: Jane McGonigal Playing games helps problem solve Stanford said games boost motivation and self-efficacy Creative strategies and self-visualization
‘She’s Playing Games with Your Lives’ by: Jane McGonigal Superbetter: help users face personal challenges Turing life into a game Gameification ◦ Using game techniques to solve real-world problems
Can Videogames be Journalism? by: Ian Bogost Journalism online same as print Relevancy ◦ Timelines, accessible, and editorial Infographics becoming more like games Visualize info to inform, reveal insight, and condense
QRANK Competitive, social game…about news, sports, politics Share with your friends Finding a way to integrate news into smaller timeframes Every place would have different news material
‘Future of Gamification’ by: Janna Anderson Rewards to drive action Competition made Facebook and Twitter popular Fold-it