Emergent Technology Social Networking, Videos, Games Carol Stewart Itec-7445
What is it? Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks. Social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet. Social Networking can allow teachers to enhance students learning through audio/video casting, presentations, publishing, blogs, wikis, podcasts and .
What can we do with it? Create Collaborate Publish Share Explore Teach Grow
What can videos and games be used for? The effectiveness of videos depends on how teachers use the content of the video. They can be used to introduce a topic, stimulate discussion or serve as a writing prompt. Teacher Tube serves as a place to post videos that teach skills or concepts and assist with professional development. It screens out malicious or inappropriate content. Heres an example. Students can create and publish videos that assists peers or allows them to share a book or performance.
Games Games are a great hook to get attention. Kids love games. They can be used to stimulate writing activities such as writing how to booklets. They can write another strategy to play a game or create a new one to teach to others. Games can be used to practice and assist with teaching math and vocabulary skills. Kids just want to have fun.
Tools for Learning Social Networking, videos and games help everyone learn in a new way. Learning is unlimited.
Who benefits? Students Teachers Parents Administrators
What does it Cost? Many sites are free and offer Creative Commons.