Sunday, 18 th December 2011 WEDDING INVITATION
We liked, we met, we danced with the joy!!! We fought then convinced to lead life together to enjoy!!!
FAQ’s ❥ Where is the Exact Venue? Sai Bhavan, Old P.B.Road, Khasbag, Belgaum ❥ Muhurtham? 18-Dec :23p.m. ❥ What if I cant make it to the marriage? No problem, rock the Reception on 17-Dec- 2011, 7 p.m ❥ Tell me what should i gift you? Your presence! PLEASE AVOIDE OTHER GIFTS ??
Official Invitation to Follow….!!
For more info:
❦❦ Excuses will not be excused. Looking foRWaRd to meet you there!! ❦❦