Making Good Portraits or thinking before you shoot…
Teresa Castracane Baby photo borrowed from linknicoll photography American Portraits No. 15 by Nullermanden
By making use of these ten tips provided through Digital Photography School you will become much more aware of your surroundings, your subject and how you are holding your camera.ten tips
Think about where YOU are positioned… not only your subject. You might need to stand on a car bumper, or lay on the ground to get a photo that is different. If you are afraid to get your clothes dirty, you better change them before you head out the door to take photos!
Read this article about composition and answer the questions below:article Name two ways to alter your position when shooting photos 1.________________________ 2________________________ Shooting from different height shows can show people in their ________________. Think about how you would take a photo of one of your parents. How would you make this different from how you would plan to take a photo of your best friend? Explain in two paragraphs comparing and contrasting these two different photos. Open a word document and type out the answers to these questions and turn in before next Wednesday