Implementing NDA’s Strategy - a year on Update to NuLeaf September 2012 Bill Hamilton, NDA Head of Stakeholder Relations
2 Outline NDA Strategy Strategic Themes –Site Restoration –Integrated Waste Management –Spent Fuel –Nuclear Materials Summary
NDA Strategy Under Energy Act (2004) obligations we must review and publish our Strategy at least every five years UK Government and the Scottish Ministers approved our new Strategy in March 2011 The Strategy incorporates stakeholder views, feedback and responses to the consultation on our Draft Strategy Effective from April
4 NDA Strategic Themes
5 Scope of NDA Strategy
6 Our legacy
7 Site Restoration Aim of strategy development = optimise roadmap implicit in lifetime plans
8 Site Restoration - Strategy development What level of restoration are we aiming for? How should we do it? When should we do it?
9 Products of strategy development 1.Principles for defining Site End States –Including a position on in-situ and on-site solutions 2.NDA estate-wide view of options for future land use –Incorporating Integrated Waste Management strategy 3.Principles for defining Interim States –Including position on continuous versus deferred decommissioning 4.Principles for prioritising restoration projects 5.Guidance on institutional controls that apply throughout site restoration journey
Integrated Waste Management Established Strategy Development Programme (Published May 2012) Our programme covers four different types of activity: –support to Government –strategy development –support to other driving strategies –monitoring strategy implementation. IWM Programme Matrix and Product Groups 10
11 Past / Current practices – Baseline Plans HAW Package (grout) Store LLW Package (grout) LLWR Liquid and Gaseous Waste Non-Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Discharges Landfill GDF
HAW Interim Storage Guidance NDA will ensure that its strategy allows for the safe and secure storage of HAW for a period of at least 100 years NDA led a project that was responsible for delivering Industry Guidance on the storage of packaged HAW for the current UK civil decommissioning and clean-up programmes Issue 2 to be published later on this year 12
Consolidation of Wastes The movement of waste and/or nuclear materials between nuclear licensed sites that will secure a clear business benefit. Consolidation may be considered at a local, regional, NDA-wide or UK-wide level 13
DSRL Baseline On-site ILW storage Southern Scotland Baseline On-site storage Possible solution NDA regional? Southern Scotland solution oRegional store at 1 or 2 sites? Sellafield Ltd Baseline On-site ILW storage Magnox – Wales Baseline On-site storage Possible solution ILW store 1 site? MAGNOX – England Baseline Ministore on-site storage Possible solution Ministores consolidation? Others EdF – Energy MoD AWE RSRL Baseline Remaining Harwell ILW on site (Treatment and Storage) Possible solution Winfrith ILW offsite? Harwell ILW offsite? For illustrative purposes only
15 Long-term management options LLWR Exempt waste Alternative VLLW Disposal Transport Compaction& Packaging Metal recycling Characterise,Sort and Segregate Compaction&Packaging Reuse and Recycle Incineration LLW Past / Baseline LLW Strategy
Joint LLW Management Plans 16
Impact of UK LLW Strategy 3915 tonnes of metals and 571 m 3 combustible materials diverted from LLWR via alternative treatment routes 17
Making a difference? 18
Next: more guidance on VLLW and lower activity LLW disposal 6-9 month project to further develop the strategy for VLLW and lower activity LLW. Comprising: Assessment of arisings, need and capacity Accommodating different needs in different parts of the country Use of VLLW in the LLWR Cap construction Assessment of Sellafield on-site / near-site disposal plans Improve understanding of how on-site disposal affects our ability to clear our sites CIRIA / EA work on erosion of landfills in coastal environments And really important…. Underpinned by good stakeholder dialogue 19
Spent Fuels Magnox Fuel Oxide Fuels Exotic Fuels –DFR Breeder –RSRL 20
21 Magnox Fuel Strategy Position MOP performance has been inconsistent, and requires sustained, drastic improvement if expectations are to be met. To date, no reason found suggesting reprocessing could not continue up to No case for strategic change currently. MOP 9 Document now published. MOP inconsistency means NDA are exploring both contingency and alternative options to manage spent Magnox fuel
22 Strategic Contingency and Alternative Options 1.Further exploration of Magnox alternative strategic options is being undertaken at a high level: largely focussing on interim in- reactor storage and options thereafter. 2.Ongoing contingency development work has been extended to: –include the entirety of the MOP inventory (the present focus is on drying of wetted fuel), –give wider consideration to management of the risks and hazards associated with wet storage, in parallel to ‘dry’ technologies
23 Oxide fuels strategy After the NDA was formed it inherited a range of contracts covering reprocessing and storage of oxide spent fuels. THORP is now expected to complete the reprocessing contracts in In Strategy II, we committed to a strategic review ie an economic assessment of the lifecycle options
24 What have we done? Determined our ‘Strategic Position’ on Oxide fuels Published and engaged on this through our Credible Options paper in November 2011 Confirmation of this strategic position as our Preferred Option for oxide fuels depended on meeting two key conditions; Following further work, we have now confirmed our strategic position as our Preferred Option for oxide fuels
25 What happens next? Performance risks that could impact on the delivery of the strategy The Management of Oxide Fuel Beyond the Closure of THORP in 2018 Periodic updates on our progress with the interim storage and disposal of AGR spent fuel including any new strategic decisions Review the progress and health of our strategy for oxide fuels on an annual basis.
26 Exotic Fuels – DFR Breeder Stakeholder Engagement –Credible & Preferred Options Published Early July 2011 –Comments Received end of August –NDA Exec approval 31 st October – NDA APPROVED STRATEGY –Mid November - Engagement Responses Published and NDA Decision announced –Presented to Scottish Government & Highlands Council Anticipated first shipment of DFR Breeder to SL in late 2012
27 RSRL Exotics Fuels and Materials Stakeholder Engagement –Credible & Preferred Options Published Early August 2011 –Comments Received end of September –NDA Exec approval 31 st October – NDA APPROVED STRATEGY –Mid November - Engagement Responses Published and NDA Decision announced –Discussions with Oxfordshire CC and Cumbria Councils successful –Planning permissions submissions on-going First shipment of material expected Spring 2013
Nuclear Materials Plutonium Strategy NDA Published Plutonium Credible Options Studies in Continue to consolidate plutonium storage into modern standard storage facilities Government announcement on national management policy for UK based civil plutonium in 2011 –NDA now talking to Utilities and Technology Suppliers –Government Consultation sets out preferred position of new MOX plant –Now providing a Business Case for Government to assist in decision making –Put out a request for other interested parties to come forward –Due to report to Government by end of
What happens next? Strategy to be updated every 5 years Next Strategy due in 2016 Detailed plans available in our Business Plan 29