Date Dispersion and Colour Lesson Outcomes How I did Targets Task 1: Describe how white light is split Level 5 Task 2: Use a prism to separate white light Level 6 Task 3: Explain the appearance of coloured objects in coloured lights. Level 7 Connector What is a rainbow, how is it made? What are the colours of the rainbow?
BIG picture What skills will you be developing this lesson? PLTs Creative thinkers, effective participators. Numeracy skills: measure angles using a protractor and analyse their results for patterns. History link: Science in history
Bending Light Glass makes light bend – but it doesn’t bend every colour the same amount. Blue light bends the most and red light bends the least. Green light is somewhere in the middle.
Bending White Light White light gives a very surprising result. The glass prism bends the light – and shows a complete rainbow of colours. This tells us that white light is really a mixture of different colours. The rainbow of colours is called a spectrum.
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain Dispersion A prism splits a ray of white light into a spectrum of colours. This is known as dispersion. When white light is split, the colours always follow the same order. Use this phrase to remember the order of colours: Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain Y
Task 1: (Level 5) Task 1: Copy down the statements below and say if they are true or false. If they are false, explain why! True or false? 1. White light is made up of 10 colours. 2. Violet light is refracted more than any other colour of visible light in the spectrum. 3. A spectrum is a spread of colours. 4. Prisms put colour into light. 5. Indigo is a dark pink colour. FALSE TRUE
Task 1 (Level 5) Task 1: Make up a phrase to help you remember the colours of the rainbow. ROYGBIV (4 mins) Keywords for Task 1: red orange yellow Green Blue Indigo violet
How can I improve on task 1? Task 1: Review Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column. Lesson Outcomes How I did Targets Task 1: Level 5 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 1?
Seeing Things! How do you see non-luminous objects such as a book? You see a non-luminous object when light hits the object and is then reflected into your eyes. So how do we see different colours? Why does a red dress look red? Why does a green apple look green?
Seeing Red Why does a red snooker ball look red in white light? The snooker ball absorbs all the colours of the spectrum except red. Only red light is reflected into your eye, so the snooker ball appears red. White light is made up of a spectrum of colours.
Seeing Green Why does a green snooker ball look green in white light? The snooker ball absorbs all the colours of the spectrum except green. Only green light is reflected into your eye, so the snooker ball appears green.
Seeing Black Why does a black snooker ball look black in white light? The snooker ball absorbs all the colours of the spectrum. No light is reflected into your eye, so the snooker ball appears black.
Seeing White Why does a snooker ball look in white light? white white The snooker ball does not absorb any of the colours of the spectrum. The whole spectrum of light is reflected into your eye, so the snooker ball appears white.
Why does a magenta ball look magenta in white light? Seeing Magenta Why does a magenta ball look magenta in white light? The snooker ball absorbs all the colours of the spectrum except red and blue. Red and blue light are reflected into your eye, so the snooker ball appears magenta.
Seeing Different Colours What colours are absorbed by this frog’s skin? This part of the skin absorbs all the colours of the spectrum except red, and so reflects red light. This part of the skin absorbs all the colours of the spectrum and none are reflected.
New information task 2
Task 2 (Level 6) Task 2: Ray box, prisms, metal plate, plain paper, power pack Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram Use the colouring pencils to reproduce the image onto he paper Make sure the amount of colour is also shown Keywords for Task 2: refraction prism ray light rainbow
Task 2: Extension Which colour of light was bent most by the prism? The colour of light that was bent the most was……………….. Which colour of light was bent least by the prism? The colour that was bent the least was…….. Identify seven colours in the experiment and write down the order that they appear in the spectrum. Why can you not see brown? You cannot see brown because…………..
Task 2: Answers The colour of light that was bent the most was violet The colour that was bent the least was red Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet You cannot see brown because it is not a colour of the spectrum it is a mixture of colours
How can I improve on task 2? Task 2: Review Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column. Lesson Outcomes How I did Targets Task 2: Level 6 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 2?
Filters A red filter absorbs all colours… …apart from red light. A blue filter absorbs all colours… …apart from blue light. A green filter absorbs all colours... …apart from green light.
Filters A magenta filter absorbs all colours… …apart from red and blue. A cyan filter absorbs all colours… …apart from green and blue. A yellow filter absorbs all colours... …apart from red and green.
Seeing in Coloured Light Why do colours look different in different coloured light? Consider a red ball in red light. The red light shines on the ball. The red ball reflects the red light and so appears red.
Seeing in Coloured Light What colour does a red ball appear in green light? The green light shines on the ball. The red ball only reflects red light and so it absorbs the green light. So in green light, this ball does not reflect any light and so appears black.
Homework Task 3: (Level 6) Object Colour of light Colour object seems to be Red socks Red Blue Green Blue teddy Green camel Magenta book Red Black Black Black Blue Black Black Black Green Homework Red Blue Black
Task 3 (Level 7) Look at the variety of objects in the tray Write down the colour of each one on the table of results Apply the blue filter Record the colour Apply the red filter Animation 6.5 Go Science Keywords for Task 3: light Colour Ray Reflect Absorb filter
Results Object Colour in white light Colour with red filter Colour with blue filter
How can I improve on task 3? Task 3: Review Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column. Lesson Outcomes How I did Targets Task 3: Level 6 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 3?
Review of lesson