October 2014 WKCE Pre-Test Workshop For MPCP, RPCP and WPCP Schools.


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Presentation transcript:

October 2014 WKCE Pre-Test Workshop For MPCP, RPCP and WPCP Schools

Overview Fall 2014 WKCE Overview & Updates Dates Accommodations Assessment of ELL Students Test Materials Delivery Demographics Packing/Shipping Administration Test Security

WKCE –Grades - 4, 8, and 10 only –Content Areas - Science & Social Studies Two-week Test Window –Oct 27-Nov WKCE Updates

OEA Website

WKCE Webpage

Testing Window Important Dates Resources Test Security Accommodations Topics

Fall 2014 Testing Window Testing should begin only on or after October 27

Important Dates 2014DateActivity 2014Oct. 15Test materials received in site Oct. 17Shipment of labels Oct Nov. 7WKCE Testing window Nov. 14Last day to register for online retrieval 2015Mid FebruaryStudent Reports Shipped to schools

Frequently Asked Questions: WKCE web page Assessment Accommodations web page : Publications (DAC Guide/Policy Manual, Test Administration Manual (TAM), Student/Parent Pre-Test Information Brochure, etc.): Resources

The primary goal of WKCE test security is to protect the integrity of the examinations by: –Securing the test materials at all times – before, during, and after testing –Ensuring appropriate administration of the test monitoring students during testing, using accommodations appropriately, inventory of test books at all times, securing test in a locked room when not in use, etc. Test Security

Test Security State Law – Test Access Rules Wis. Stat (3)(a) allows a person to view the WKCE or WAA-SwD if they submit a request within 90 days after the administration of the exams –Procedure for requesting a copy of the test Individuals viewing the exams will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement form

Test Book Retention All test books must be returned to the testing vendor after testing Test books must not be retained in schools/ districts A copy of the test book at each grade level will be kept at each CESA to meet the Public Access statutory requirement only

Any review of the test by school staff or a member of the public is restricted by stringent security measures, including: The test reviewer must sign a confidentiality agreement form prior to reviewing the test; The qualified designee must be present at the time any person is reviewing the test and should not allow the test out of the room for any purpose; The test viewer may not discuss, disseminate, describe, or otherwise reveal the contents of the test to any third party with the intent to violate the copyright or compromise the validity of the test; The test viewer may not make copies of the test or any test items, take notes, or otherwise reproduce the test or test items; and The test viewer may not publish, or cause to be published, the test or any of the test items. *More information about Test Security is available on the OSA website at: Test Security Test Access Rules

Test Security Manual is available on the test security webpage General principles and operational standards for administration of assessments Pre and post-test activities and procedures to follow during testing Test Security Manual

The Office of Student Assessment (OSA) has developed two trainings which are available at –DAC Version a district overview of test security and the procedures involved –Proctor Version can be utilized by DACs or SACs to improve the overall understanding of test security procedures and to emphasize the importance of test security with Proctors and School Staff (approximately 10 minutes in length) Test Security Trainings

Invalidation of test results for individual students or groups of students This will result in: –Parents receiving no scores on their child’s report if a test is invalidated –Public reporting will reflect all invalidated tests as “not tested.” This may reduce the percentage of students meeting proficiency Consequences of Test Security Violations

Confidentiality Agreement Forms Send School Assessment Coordinator signed form to DPI Proctors, Teachers and, any school staff handling the test materials - Send signed forms to the School Assessment Coordinator (Copies retained at the school level) DPI Confidentiality Agreement Forms are available at

Report Security Concerns! Report concerns regarding test security or test administration to the Office of Student Assessment (OSA) at (608) OSA will investigate and follow up on all reported incidents. Ensuring adequate test security training will reduce the number of inadvertent errors which occur.

Importance of ensuring each student is working in their own WKCE test book –Suggestion: Proctors to diligently check test book labels Important Reminder

Test-taking strategies that hinder not help –The Cross-off Method –Use of Post-it Notes Unhelpful Test-Taking Strategies

A list of allowable testing accommodations is available at They are separated into three distinct documents based upon student need: 1.The Assessment Accommodations Matrix for Students with Disabilities 2.The Assessment Accommodations Matrix for ELLs 3.Allowable Test Practices for ALL Students Testing Accommodations

All assessment accommodations for students with disabilities with IEPs or 504 plans and English language learners (ELLs) should be documented and consistent with day-to-day instruction. When accommodations are used, mark on the back cover of the WKCE test book for each content area tested.

Request for Accommodations DPI approval is required for accommodations not listed on the matrix. The request form is available at:

Assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs) WKCE Participation WKCE Accommodations WKCE Translation

English Language Learners are eligible for language related accommodations including translation support. Information about allowable accommodations for ELLs can be accessed via the DPI website and in the DAC guide and the TAM ELL Accommodations

DPI Provided Translation Materials Translated materials include scripts and test directions of the WKCE in Spanish for Science and Social Studies. Spanish interpreters and translators should use the DPI provided translation accommodation. School testing coordinators will receive an in early October from DPI with information for how to access these secure materials.

Test Administration Manual instructions to be read to students in Spanish and Hmong Content-specific word lists translated into Spanish and Hmong Information on working with translator and translation materials can be found at Other Translation Materials

Fall 2014 WKCE

WKCE Test Forms Testing times are available at:

Sample items for Science and Social Studies provide educators, students, and the public examples of how students are assessed on the WKCE –Note: these items will not be used on future operational forms Sample items are available at Practice/Sample Items

Delivery Of Materials All WKCE test materials –Delivered by October 17 School testing coordinators should inventory all materials immediately upon receipt

Test Coordinator Kits (TCK) Districts Receive TCKs by October 6, 2014 Contents: Packing List Cover Letter – District/School On-Line Retrieval Instructions School Group List WKCE School Header Sheets Special Handling Flyer Return Shipping Labels

WKCE Test Books Braille and Large-Print Test Books –Shipped to districts at the same time as all other WSAS materials. WKCE Student/Parent Pre-Test Brochures are enclosed with your testing materials. –The WKCE Brochure is also available online (along with Spanish and Hmong versions) at They may be printed and duplicated as needed. WKCE Test Coordinator Kits WKCE Test Materials

Missing/Short Test Materials Short on WKCE test books or have a newly-opened school? Contact your District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) DAC will call CTB’s Wisconsin Help Desk ( ) to order additional test materials

Students Who Move or are No Longer Enrolled :  Student leaves your school before doing any testing: return unused test booklet to CTB at conclusion of testing window.  Student leaves after completing some (but not all) sections: send his/her book in with your materials for scoring.  Student leaves your school after all testing is complete: send his/her book in with your materials for scoring.

Student Labels Arrive prior to test window Arranged alphabetically by grade Labels for all students in tested grades One set of labels = 2 barcoded & 1 text If you receive labels for students who are in non- tested grades, destroy these labels

Checking Student Test Labels Check text-coded label for: –Name –School –Grade –Gender –Birth date

Student Test Labels with Errors If you can confidently match a label and a student, use the label –EVEN IF THERE ARE DATA ERRORS Bubble in correct information on the student information page of the student test book

Apply WSAS Student Test Labels Place one undamaged barcode label on front cover, and write student’s name or place another barcode label on the back cover. Do not use text-coded label.

No Student Label? If no label is available, “bubble” student demographics on the student information page on the inside cover of the WKCE test book. For MPCP, RPCP and WPCP students, pay particular attention when bubbling the local student ID field.

Student Information Page Inside Front Cover of the WKCE Test Book Full handcoding (bubbling) expected for all students Identify Choice students by filling in “1” in the first four bubbles of the Optional Field Leave this field blank for all other students

Accounting for All Students All MPCP, RPCP and WPCP students must be accounted for with either a completed test booklet or a blank test booklet. –If a student who was expected to take the WKCE does not take the WKCE, a blank test book—with the Student Information Page completed—must be returned for that student.

WKCE Test Book Back Cover Fill in the bubbles on the back cover for any student who is provided with one or more accommodations such as: Used a Scribe Provided Extra Time Translation Used “Text Talker” Used DPI Provided Braille Version

After Testing Packaging Materials –School Header Sheet Rust color for WKCE Shipping Materials –Returning Test Materials

Return of Testing Materials Overview 1.Return a WKCE test book for all MPCP, RPCPand WPCP students – whether tested or not 2.Save boxes that tests came in to ship materials back to CTB 3.Separate “to be scored” materials from the “not to be scored” materials 4.Register for online retrieval by November 14, 2014

School Header Sheet WKCE

WKCE “To Be Scored” Materials 1.Complete information on Stack Card 2.Place Stack Card on top of School Header Sheet 3.Bind stack with adhesive strips 4.Place bound stacks in box 5.Place School/Group List in Box 1

The first WKCE stack for each grade in your school should be packed as follows: Place School Header Sheet on top of first stack of WKCE for each grade. Then Place the Stack Card On top of the School Header Sheet prior to binding the stack. Bind stack with adhesive strips. 3 rd Grade WKCE School Header Sheet Stack Card

The remaining WKCE stacks for that grade should be packed as follows: Place the Stack Card on the top of each remaining stack for that grade prior to binding the stack. Bind stack with adhesive strips 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card

The WKCE stacks must then be put in the “To Be Scored” boxes to return to CTB Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE School Header Sheet Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 4th Grade WKCE

Shipping Labels

The green label then goes in the middle on the side of the box to be shipped to CTB. Box 1 of 3 Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE School Header Sheet Stack Card School Group List Green Shipping Label 4th Grade WKCE

Each Grade for WKCE should have a new school header sheet as shown below. Box 1 of 3 Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE School Header Sheet Stack Card School Group List Green Shipping Label 4 th Grade WKCE Box 2 of 3 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE Stack Card 3 rd Grade WKCE School Header Sheet Stack Card Green Shipping Label 8 h Grade WKCE 8 th Grade WKCE

On-Line Retrieval System Finish packing your materials before registering for pickup of TO BE SCORED and NOT TO BE SCORED test materials. Go to (URL is case sensitive) –Schools must sign on using 4-digit school number.

Retrieval of Materials Verify the number of boxes picked up Keep the receipts If you discover a test book after pick up - you must go through the online retrieval system again.

Questions? Please your questions to