Pioneered by Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers. Focused on ways “healthy” people strive for self-determination and self-realization. Emphasized human potential
Developed his ideas by studying healthy, creative people rather than troubled clinical cases. Proposed that we are motivated by a hierarchy of needs.
If our physiological needs are met, we become concerned with safety needs If we achieve a sense of security, we then seek to love and be loved. And so on up the hierarchy.
Self-actualization › The process of fulfilling one’s potential. Self-transcendence › Meaning, purpose, and communion beyond the self.
Can students learn when they are hungry? Why do people go on hunger strikes to protest a cause they believe in? Why are there such things as “starving artists”?
Believed people are basically good and have self-actualizing tendencies. People nurture our growth by being › Genuine › Accepting › Empathic
Unconditional positive regard › An attitude of total acceptance. › An attitude that values us even when we fail.
An example of a father NOT offering unconditional positive regard.
“as persons are accepted and prized, they tend to develop a more caring attitude toward themselves” As persons are empathically heard, “it becomes possible for them to listen more accurately to the flow of inner experiences.”
Perceived Self Take 10 minutes to write a description of how you see yourself.
Ideal Self Take 10 minutes to fantasize and describe who you would like to be.
Perceived Self Take 10 minutes to write a description of how you see yourself. Ideal Self Take 10 minutes to fantasize and describe who you would like to be.
Believed a central feature of personality is one’s self-concept › All the thoughts and feelings we have in response to the question, “Who am I?” If our self-concept is positive, we tend to act and perceive the world positively. If it is negative – if in our own eyes we fall far short of our ideal self, we feel dissatisfied and unhappy.
Humanistic psychologists used questionnaires that would evaluate a person’s self-concept. › When the ideal self and the actual self are nearly alike, the self-concept is positive. Because questionnaires could be depersonalizing, some humanistic psychologists used interviews and personal conversations.
Maslow’s and Roger’s ideas have influenced counseling, education, child- rearing, and management. Criticism › Humanistic psychology fails to appreciate the reality of our human capacity for evil.