Carlos Castillo 5 th PIT.
The first computer wasn’t invented by just one person. It took more than one mind. The First Programmable Computer was invented by Germany’s Konrad Zuse in his parents living room in The First Digital Computer, the ABC began development in 1937 and continued to be developed until 1942.
The term “debugging” came from Dr. Grace Murray Hopper, when he had to “debug” a moth out of computer’s circuitry causing an electrical short.
In February 1958, the United States founded the Advanced Research Projects Agency (or DARPA) due to the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik. Advanced Research Projects Agency Since then it’s use as been for the Department of Defense’s research and development office.
The design of a mechanical general-purpose computer by Charles Baggage was an important step in computer history. It’s first design was described in 1837 and was about 100 years ahead of its time.
Tabulating machines made their first appearance in the United States as a valuable tool in helping to provide an accurate count for the national census.
Weighing 30 tons and occupying 1500 square feet, the ENIAC was a first generation computer because it, with the ABC, mark the beginning of the computer age.
A program is a a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task.
The transistor made computers smaller and less expensive and increased calculating speeds to up too 10,000 calculations' per second.
In 1975 Ed Roberts, also known as the "father of the microcomputer”, designed the first microcomputer, the Altair That same year, two young hackers, William Gates and Paul Allen approached MITS and promised to deliver a BASIC compiler, which eventually led to microsoft.
The binary number system is used in computers to represent data. All numbers can be represented with two digits in a binary number system. The two digits can be (no current) zero and (current) one.
Umm…Google and Wikipedia… oh, that white book too.. cant forget that white book!