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2 Librarian-teachers: how we developed and adapted our roles Sonya Lipczynska, Library Liaison Manager Ruth Murphy, Library Learning and Teaching Manager
Who are we? (A bit of background) 3 We are now part of two new teams within Library Services: Partnerships & Liaison team - Sonya Training & Skills team - Ruth Sonya was a former Information Specialist, responsible for both teaching and liaison for health Schools at King’s College London Ruth was a Library Operations Manager responsible for enquiry provision and staff management and development. Previous roles included providing Information Literacy support for Medical and Dental schools at Queen Mary University of London.
Librarian-teachers: an organisation fiction? Wilson, P. (1979) Librarians as teachers: the study of an organizational fiction, The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, 49(2)
Some questions we asked ourselves Are we comfortable placing ourselves as teachers alongside our academic colleagues? Are we teachers or trainers? What is the role of Library Services in the learning journey of the student population? 5
6 “King's College London is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, learning and understanding in the service of society.” “The King’s graduate - intellectual passion and curiosity … Engage in creative, critical and analytical thinking … Understand disciplinary concepts, methods, texts and traditions ….Use research skills for enquiry in a range of contexts” Calvin & Hobbes – Bill Waterhouse
Sonya’s teaching development Initially learned by experience, trial & error, and peer support In 2011, began studying for the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in HE. – Offered by King’s Learning Institute – Free of charge to anyone teaching at King’s Currently studying for the Diploma/Masters in Academic Practice 7
Impact on Practice Enabled reflection on current practice Made small positive changes based on learning theories Compared my current practice to educational theories and identified all the things I was doing right 8 Successes Obtained a distinction in the PGCAPHE and became a fellow of the Higher Education Academy Publication in industry journals
Ruth’s teaching development Team teaching – learned from peers & short courses. Responsibility for Staff Development activities Certificate in developing and delivering learning and development activities King’s Learning Institute courses – preparing to teach in HE, curriculum design and development 9
How did this impact on practice? Integration of theories – pedagogy and andragogy Build contacts with other university teaching staff Think creatively - facilitate and engage with learning. 10
What do we teach Information retrieval Using the libraries search and discovery tools Information literacy Literature searching Systematic literature searching – for systematic reviews Critical appraisal skills Referencing and plagiarism awareness 11 How do we teach? Student centred Interactivity and engagement Problem based learning Technology enhanced learning Curriculum integration
Change: surface v deep learning V Information regurgitated or memorised by rote Information absorbed, evaluated and contextualised Information used as a single means to an end – e.g. to pass a test Information is applied to future tasks and situations
Example We only see students a handful of times Key is to introduce techniques to encourage deep learning – Creating ‘knowledge networks’ – active demonstration of wider application of knowledge – Asking the students to teach what they have learned 13
Knowledge networks – Healthcare students’ database session can be based around future use of these techniques in clinical settings – After a short demonstration of techniques, students are asked to resolve a clinical scenario using the search techniques they have learned Easy to set up, but very effective. 14
Teaching Successes Keats – online learning environment Lib-guides Polleverywhere Games and activities 15
Changing Environment - Challenges Team changes Our place within the organisation Catering for large international student body Expansion of portfolio 16
Opportunities Academic Skills Remit for Library Services – Maths and statistics support centre Library Teaching and Learning portfolio/menu – Standardise language – Clarify academic/departmental expectations – Set clear learning objectives and knowledge outcomes – Distinguish between, awareness, instructional training and knowledge development sessions. 17
What can you do? Align with organisational needs and expectations Is there a similar course at your institution? Are there CILIP courses you could attend? What reading could you do? 18
Suggested bibliography Trevor Austin & Janine Bhandol (2013) The Academic Librarian: Buying Into, Playing Out, and Resisting the Teacher Role in Higher Education, New Review of Academic Librarianship, 19(1), Brookfield, S. (2001) 'Through the lens of learning: how the visceral experience of learning reframes teaching' in Paechter, C., Edwards, R., Harrison, R. and Twining, P., eds., Learning, space and identity, London: Paul Chapman Publishers, Entwistle, N. (2000) 'Promoting deep learning through teaching and assessment: conceptual frameworks and educational contexts', in TRLP Conference, Leicester, November, 2000, Marton, F. and Säljö, R. (1976) 'On qualitative differences in learning: I - Outcome and process', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 46(1), Mayes, T. and de Freitas, S. (2004) 'JISC e-Learning Models Desk Study Stage 2', [online], available: available from Von Glasersfeld, E. (1996) Radical constructivism: A way of knowing and learning, London, New York: Routledge. Zai, Robert III (2015) Neither Fish nor Fowl: A Role Theory Approach to Librarians Teaching, Journal of Library Administration, 55(1),
Any questions? 20